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yapping and laughing and living

10861086 views33 comments33 favs

I can't take it bird by bird because I have neither.

A Life of My Own

15531553 views2222 comments99 favs

You don't make money worrying about other people's feelings. I learned that from my father at an early age. He managed rental properties, which I, his daughter, now own. He wanted a son, so I became one.

Chattanooga Afternoon / Let’s Talk About Chattanooga

15271527 views1313 comments1212 favs

Let’s talk about Chattanooga, the cloud / mountains, the monastery bench, drunk / at sunset

Frozen Chicken

17281728 views77 comments77 favs

One of the pieces, I noticed, had the real shape of a miniature chicken, its mohawk, pin legs, and small definition of wing. “Look at that,” I said to my friend. And just then, the wing twitched.


14371437 views00 comments00 favs


Hard Candy

993993 views22 comments11 fav

Fumes of sugar rose to Kofi's brain - intense, foreign, disquieting. At every turn of the handle, Kofi wouldn´t know which flavour would suddenly prevail, whether he would like it, or how long it would last …

Poet's Offer to Help Grieving Goes Unheeded

10491049 views22 comments22 favs

Remembering you is easy We do it every day, When little Mike and Joey Ask when the hell is Daddy ever coming home to play?

The Vorpal Blade

15851585 views77 comments55 favs

Pow! I shoot him through his jelly donut.


906906 views11 comment00 favs

you and i exist outside of the chaos and noise entwined in eternal embrace


12721272 views22 comments33 favs

My T-shirt read BOO HOO.

annah la Javanese. Gauguin

11041104 views00 comments00 favs

Her feet are raised upon an embroidered green pillow and she sits naked in a blue velvet chair. Red earrings dangling from her ears, while a red monkey sits at her feet with one leg extended. She is exotic. A powder blue on her lips and at her navel,


11661166 views44 comments11 fav

The way she once felt for another, naked mornings in her bed, and Young Frankenstein. Sed-a-give.

The Law of Natural Selection

11631163 views1616 comments1111 favs

Once a student brought him a jar of black widow spiders. Tony put it on his desk. Somehow the jar got tipped over, and the spiders got out.

The Fall of Buffalo Bill

15851585 views1313 comments99 favs

It is Cary's favorite time of day. School is finished and he is alone, outside his home; and that is the way Cary likes it. Buffalo Bill is having a grand time today! In one corner of the backyard where the grass is bare, Cary is leading the little plastic Bill to…


18071807 views2929 comments2020 favs

Keisha was the name she gave us. She said she had no father and no last name. We wrote her down as Keisha B. We already had a Keisha A. She was about twelve though she told us fourteen. Her eyes were older than we dared think. We knew her mother had been murdered and that's…


831831 views11 comment22 favs

I sulk across the room to feed you,hold your hand, tell you everything will be fine. It is the right time of night,the light from the street falls onto the chairat the perfect angle. I look at you, gray, shimmering, persnickety. Don't move, thisis just the dust, helping me…


12081208 views00 comments00 favs

Still as the knife on the counter there still. Like mothballs in a chest. One with clear bags and newspaper clippings and your scarf inside it. The baby girl could put a mothball in her mouth and suck it like a penny. The way too close to a light bulb bur


11561156 views55 comments55 favs

The first time Momma shows me a demon is during revival week at church.

wheat field with cypresses. van Gogh

12691269 views33 comments22 favs

There’s no sky like that, with twisting clouds shot up into by cypress trees that are so like dark green flames, leaping out of the earth as if a dark green oily pool were on fire underground, and this was all that could escape, was its essence. And a

Little Sister

6513065130 views2121 comments1616 favs

"Hey, Ceecee." Rodrigo squatted on our three step stoop every morning, flanked by pit bulls with wide black smiles puffing steam. I jogged down the steps, leaned against a parking sign. Warmed my hands with my breath. Tugged my crop top down. "Girl, you gonna…

Lettie in the Ozarks

21822182 views3333 comments2727 favs

Lettie picks wild grapes from the vines that twist between thorny bushes. If she's really hungry she eats dirt and all the things that live in it.

In The Kitchen

13331333 views77 comments33 favs

drips of blood vegetal

Dust and Blood

12801280 views22 comments00 favs

A black wind raced ahead of the Merbreth and Juko could smell the thing's fur, matted with the blood of men. The coppery scent mingled with the fear coming off the men around him, a fear so palpable it became a tangible thing, something to be tripped over

The Wind Is Going To Take You

10771077 views55 comments33 favs

Before the railroad tracks are blown off by the wind, the wall tiles morph to trace 34th Streetwhile a silver balloon emerges from the end of the tunnel. A child’s hand reaches out for the gleam and she, the woman in a black-dress with a mandarin collar,

My Old Man, Across a Hotel Pool in the Bahamas

813813 views11 comment00 favs

Three guys playing “Cocoanut water, rum and gin” on steel drums, guitar and trap set outside on the deck by the pool.

The Torture Never Stops

968968 views00 comments00 favs

Who is the torturer and who is the tortured?


29442944 views55 comments55 favs

"A little knowledge truly is a dangerous thing."

Going Right At Left

604604 views55 comments44 favs

Wishes are like beautiful fishing lines Pulled tightly around us. My lungs are Full of them I suppose, hopelessly caught On something rough and deep in all the darkened places. Your smile for Me was one of those, if you must know. This swung…

Cogito Zero Sum

12951295 views77 comments55 favs

When you encounter a body laying on the road, drive over it.

van Gogh's chair. van Gogh

946946 views22 comments00 favs

Finally he painted his own chair, maybe because no one would sit for him anymore (after he cut off a piece of his own ear.) The chair centered and framed so that one leg of it reached down to the bottom of the painting, seeming to be skewed a little, ou