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Late Night Learning

13761376 views1414 comments1414 favs

A wrinkled man lie atop an ivory-clad mattress, matched sheets covered his body, matched hair covered his head.

And so, like a kind of molting

11421142 views44 comments44 favs

So for now, let the snow fall, but let it fall gently, each flake as a soft piano note

Alice Can Derail You in 3/5ths of a Second

10901090 views2121 comments1111 favs

She connects to you via snarling vines & worm-woven tunnels. Drops Roman numerals

Calm Face

21792179 views3030 comments1919 favs

I went for a walk to buy coffee, here's what I saw

No Face World Champ

16461646 views3838 comments2323 favs

The last time he saw his psychic, she told him you're gonna die within six months.

Margaret & Beak Discuss Jazz for The Last Time

20012001 views5050 comments2727 favs

He lit a slim, brown cigarette and drew on it. "But have you heard the flugelhorn? I mean, have you heard a particularly adept flugelhorn?"

Philip Guston, Painting, Smoking, Eating

10311031 views33 comments22 favs

As far as I can tell, all he eats is wedges of cake from the plate on top of his blanket as he lies there in bed, smoking cigarettes and staring up at the painting of a pile of shoes. Or else this is a real pile of shoes building up beside the

Drunk and Disorderly

13531353 views1010 comments99 favs

Growing up in Mississippi meant growing up in a “dry” State which it was until 1966. Dry State meant selling alcoholic beverages, except for beer, is illegal. Period. By period I mean there was no distinction between selling whiskey and stuff to adults and…


941941 views00 comments00 favs

"Happy New Year Willie."

Tale from a Möbius Strip

12971297 views44 comments44 favs

Francesca is a sweet girl and everything, but her incessant doting on Paolo is best left private . . .

Damned Writers

21032103 views2929 comments1717 favs

Didn't Max Perkins die, like they said?

Year End Closeout: Buy One, Get Seven Free.

10441044 views88 comments66 favs

It’s not that cold but the cold that is/ penetrates layered cloth and soft skin/ to chill the blood in its capillaries

Tu me rends fou

11361136 views44 comments22 favs

Feeding you a taste of croissant


12111211 views1313 comments33 favs

—It’s difficult to say, he said. I have mood swings. Women don’t like that. They become upset.

The Pit and Philip Guston

837837 views44 comments22 favs

Above the chasm of life burn two fires at either side of the framed painting that stands on the pink and red plain. And inside the painting itself an orange rain falls, accumulating in a sea of red. Rocks can’t stand their small shadows anymore

Visiting Mom's Family in Oklahoma

10061006 views33 comments22 favs

The strangers say hi at the Piggly Wiggly grocery stores, compliment my gold necklace, tell me I'm as beautiful as a Southern Belle, ask where I got my Gucci shoes. “Wow, New…

At A Loss

13251325 views00 comments00 favs

“We need to figure out dad’s funeral arrangements.” Jack’s voice was monotone, as if it wasn’t sure whether it really existed. He paused for a moment; it lasted either a split second or a day. He couldn’t tell.


870870 views22 comments00 favs

The formula is fucked.

13 statements about the United States of Chimerica made by the Bird King during a press conference

10771077 views11 comment11 fav

1. Jesus made the United States of Chimerica from the hide of a gator he killed with his bare hands back in the winter of '81.2. The people of the United States of Chimerica are watched over by a straight-talkin' angel with hillbilly eyes and a crown of nuclear missiles.3.…

by the sound of it

10171017 views00 comments00 favs

cicadas run our furnace

Night at the Reservoir on Airline Drive

19301930 views4444 comments2626 favs

Del and I watched my brother toe his way to the edge of the cottonwood branch that arched over the reservoir.

Kepler On The Bus

15551555 views2727 comments1919 favs

On the bus I sat like an ounce.


11271127 views55 comments44 favs

She is alone in the ocean

Ares Considers a Career Change

860860 views77 comments66 favs

Barbarians and savages wore feathers/ or frightful face paint or skin tones// one could recognize and aim for/ with weapons one could feel

Philip Guston and the Ultimate Mudball

998998 views55 comments55 favs

The huge mudball has rolled downhill, catching up one of them. Part of a leg sticking up from the surface with its shoe still on, but we can assume the rest of the human, or humanity if you will, is lost somewhere deep inside it.

Ghost Town

11561156 views1111 comments77 favs

She had just done it in the backseat with the man she decided would be her father. Or maybe it was the cast of his eyes under the dim bar lights. Maybe she insisted that this had to be done, to relive the night under the stars, under a dented roof of a station…


12341234 views55 comments55 favs

On the coldest day of the year, the weather man walks back from the measurement booth across a snowed-over plain, solid as cement and tinted with the pale yellow glow of the northern lights.

Arcana Magi Zero - c.3

12081208 views00 comments00 favs

Alysia tried to focus on what was important, but it was too much to bear. She was ready to dive down when a shot of wind blew past her, causing her and Megumi to lose control over their gliders.

Double Vision

14281428 views44 comments33 favs

Maybe it’s the cold that has me seeing double. My sister in Florida would probably laugh, “I told you so” as she sips her pumpkin latte in the barely-cold.

Black Widow - Snack Whore

10671067 views33 comments33 favs

“Psst."I paused in my tracks as I walked in front of the building where Two Doughboys used to be.I looked around. The streets were deserted. I saw the big “For Rent” sign in the empty window where the sweet smell of pizza used to emanate. “Over…