She connects to you
via snarling vines
& worm-woven tunnels.
Emails are only a distorted
perspective, the bastard
child of haunted longhand.
She drops Roman numerals
in your soup. They float
to the top, form the date
of your last accident
where intersections merged.
She sells your fake potency pills
to the stoners
dealing in blanched alleys.
Lies under you,
a travesty of mythic
women in shakedown
pose. Bewitched breach
of hard contract. Blood turning
to Kohl.
By morning,
your semen stains
will fade in acid sunlight.
She nailed your hands
to tracks of abandoned thigh.
Rise & shine brightly, Mr. Porter.
You're just one
of a thousand
of her best train wrecks.
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Bad date, eh? *
I'll say. Thanks, Mathew!
She nailed your hands
to tracks of abandoned thigh.
Rise & shine brightly, Mr. Porter.
You're just one
of a thousand
of her best train wrecks.
Nice summation.
Thank you, Gary!
Such vivid language! *
Thank you, Charlotte!
Great closing. Enjoyed the poem. *
Thank you, Sam!
*, Kyle. Fine, as they used to say, poesy. I love this:
"Emails are only a distorted
perspective, the bastard
child of haunted longhand."
What a badass ending. Seriously.*
Thank you, David and Amanda!
Love how you surprise me. Good stuff. *
Thank you, John!
Yikes. Powerful work, Kyle.
Thank you, Kathy!
Hey Kyle, happy 2015. This is a strong, visceral poem with many twists and surprises that enrich the prose-poem style and deepens the tone. That! *
Thank you, Robert! And Happy New Year to you too.
Just one in a thousand,,,*
Thanks, Gary!
Excellent writing, with a super sharp close. Loved this *
Thank you, Foster!