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A Woman Who Watches

14341434 views1212 comments88 favs

She was a beautiful woman. I don't argue with that. I welcome it.


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When we would leave her place I never had a firm idea where I was taking her except I knew - and she knew - that eventually we'd end up back at my place. We did this a lot when her husband, Mack, was out of town. Every couple of weeks his job took him to…

If There is an Airport

14341434 views55 comments55 favs

If there is an airport, it is one of dreams. If there is a dream, it is one of shadows. If there are shadows, there is not much more but the thoughts of a short man meeting a short woman on a runway of forbidden desires, in a foreign city belonging to n

Proper Grammar

14341434 views1212 comments77 favs

Another thing about Dysthymia is how I get locked into a thought, a needle in a record of a song I can’t get out of my head, a song that drives me crazy until I hear it again, until I play it just the amount of times to where my brain is satisfied.

Even My Air Guitar Is Lame

14341434 views44 comments22 favs

I had the hair of a metal god, cracking it against the air whenever the stereo belched fists.

It is Written

14331433 views1010 comments55 favs

That Dagwood is not a real person but a story told in dots. That Blondie is a male fantasy and will one day find her Nora Helmer.


14331433 views88 comments00 favs

What can I say about my brother, Stroman. We are twins and we hate each other. He is an honest, brave man with scruples. He is full of bullshit. He thinks I am morally twisted. He probably has a point there, but I don’t see what that has got to do with

Just Another Rainy Day

14331433 views1717 comments66 favs

Tasha loved to tease the rain. She sat still with her legs folded on the bench, never once looking the clouds in the eye.


14331433 views55 comments22 favs

She jumped into the hole the other day. The hole that sucks little girls into the universe, and doesn't return them. I had to watch it. I had to watch her sitting on the dock. Lean over, and fall in. I couldn't have saved her. Nor God. Or Jesus. Not the bridge. …

Three Corpse Brunch: Part One

14331433 views00 comments00 favs

From the moment they had decided to come until the present, each seated guest had been parading one faceless male possibility after another through her curious mind. Would he be strong? Handsome? Ugly? Crippled? The possibilities were endless...

Eight Maids a'Milking

14331433 views00 comments00 favs

“… and that concludes my presentation. I’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have.” Meixu Liao smiled and turned her hands out, palms upwards. Americans typically saw this combination of facial expression and body language as conveyin

Six Short Poems

14331433 views88 comments33 favs

Can't please everyone / Or sail in all directions / Sail on / Stay the course / Still the ill-pleased storms come / To suck the wind from my sails

Lost Dream

14321432 views1010 comments55 favs

It’s a song you knew once, begin to remember now: You’ve had this dream before.

The Fallen Oak

14321432 views11 comment11 fav

Jonas Griffin stared out the bay window as he drank his morning cup, his eyes gleaming with something between wistfulness and disdain at Reynold who sat patiently in the adjacent yard, leaning against the majestic oak tree that towered in its hundred year


14321432 views1515 comments99 favs

Outside I see the daytime moon, and it is faint as a fingerprint. My cousins have up-turned the biggest rocks and removed all the Sow bugs. The land is damp and red, and the trees feel wet to the center.


14311431 views1717 comments1010 favs

The leaves are telegrams sent from the branches to the wind, saying, “it's over stop don't send kisses stop forget me.”

Fable Of The Alicanto

14311431 views44 comments33 favs

There is nothing so obscure it is not enhanced by talking, nothing so dull it cannot be coaxed into brilliance, nothing so deep it cannot be dug from an abyss and brought to the surface in paroxysms of red.

Margaret’s Mermaid

14311431 views55 comments44 favs

When she was eleven, Margaret still believed in mermaids. She would fasten the neon diving rings that her mother gave her to her ankles and swim around in the pool for hours. By the end of the afternoon, with chlorine-swollen skin she would wince as she…

What She Left Unsaid

14311431 views88 comments77 favs

Megan beat up on herself later over the unsaid.

Soon to Be a Minor Motion Picture (excerpt)

14311431 views55 comments22 favs

Man, you never ceased to crack me up! If you thought you'd just been called a homo, you probably wouldn't want to try to disprove it by grabbing hold of a naked guy and wrestling him to the floor of a shower room.

Taking a Job

14311431 views33 comments22 favs

Teaching never occurred to me in college. I took workshops and wrote often. Friends and classmates, meanwhile, switched from studio majors to Art Education, or from English to Certification. Not me. Teaching high-schoolers would be all wrong. Briefly, I…

Do the Funky Penguin--With T.S. Eliot

14311431 views44 comments33 favs

True story: T.S. Eliot introduced Virginia Woolf to new dance steps including the Grizzly Bear and the Chicken Strut.

The Silence of Harold

14311431 views1919 comments1111 favs

It's been sixteen days since I spoke with another soul. I don't mind much, but I know enough about people to know most would think I'm mighty odd. Muriel, for example. She'd be pissed as all get out. …

The Quiet Room by Doug Holder

14301430 views11 comment11 fav

I keep my life very ordered. Order for me is security. I am sure of some things. Like the fact I work five nights a week, and sleep during the day.


14301430 views1212 comments22 favs

i miss you/ at times unbearably/ a dull ache that won’t quit

Letter to the Editor

14301430 views1212 comments99 favs

Some time ago, I began to write you letters with the idea of helping your newspaper become a more complete map of our little shared world.

five discards or less

14301430 views66 comments55 favs

weep or go stark mad your amanuensic fool will bury your words


14301430 views1212 comments1212 favs

Momma called them Vaughens, "a outfit," and said, "they shoulda throwed the book at that Darla Jean."

Monster Truck

14301430 views33 comments33 favs

In another lifetime the loft had been a shoe factory and I joked how in the dark of night I could hear the ghosts of lost soles speaking in tongues. There was the rolling of eyes, and when I repeated the joke to my therapist, who was actually sitting acr

everywhere i go

14301430 views99 comments11 fav

it’s women i’ve loved/ or men i owe money