She was skinny with breasts like a wound up skein of yarn. She stood before me naked. That's not how I knew her.
Chlöe and I go way back. We were in the same grade school, junior high school and high school. It was in the days of homogeneous grouping. I guess we were similar in intellectual capacity. I lusted after Suzy Goldberg's breasts and Regina Somenzi's budding Italian hips, but only traded repartee with Chlöe.
Now she was standing naked over my nude body in a Boston hotel room. I guess my erection told her something.
I wanted to fuck her, but I didn't want to fuck her. She wanted to fuck me, but she didn't want to fuck me. Ultimately her cunt was dry and my cock went flaccid
We had two scotches from the mini bar and went to sleep entwined like mythical creatures.
In the morning I awoke and she was standing fully dressed over the bed.
-We should get married.
-Because we are the same and it's not lust that binds us.
-You might be right.
I didn't know what else to say. Finally I asked.
-Could you fuck me?
-Not today, but there will be the best nights of your life.
She left.
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219 words
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This story appears in another form in my roman a clef "The Ventricle of Memory."
"-We should get married.
-Because we are the same and it's not lust that binds us."
This is how far I got before guffawing. It brought out a dark laugh from me, what Tony calls "a Bogle guffaw." Good story, archetypal and yet, a pattern that seems never tried, and wryly writ. *
Thank you for your comments. Not all is juicy in sexual relationships or even friendships.
This is well written and leaves me a little melancholy. That is to say it works well.
Thank you Steven for the comment. It is a little poignant.
I like anyone whose title of stories alludes to "Love's Labor's Lost."
Good piece. Ending particularly good.
Thank you Bill. What's not to love about Love's Labour's Lost.:))
I think timing is why I laughed where I did -- the timing seemed genius. Man-woman variations abound, but this one is flash-deeper.
Great use of dialogue and conveying the attempt at trying for what might have been . Very funny:
Not today, but there will be the best nights of your life.
Clearly not true, but great fantasy material.
Gloria- Without fantasy life is pretty dull.Thanks for commenting and I love your stories.