Maybe I will lay, face down, on my bedroom floor, hands and feet splayed, like a crucifix, in ecstasy, like the lords and ladies of the underworld, like Persephone and Pluto, and cry about how long I've been gone.
Maybe I will masturbate my 48 year old pussy, and take it to places it's never been before, then I will sit up, smoke a joint, and lay back down again. I may even invite the little man, who lives in the closet, to come and visit me: Come over here, pleasure me, let me sit on your pink latex face.
If I masturbate a second time, I'll get up, go to the fridge and come back with a bottle of wine, but I won't sit up to drink it, I'll just aim the bottle at my mouth, because who gives a fuck if I have wine in my hair, cum on my legs, music blasting, because I will be the barbarian at the gate again, I will be my stupid, blasphemous, dirty, sacred, fucked up, glamorous, delusional self again.
And people, trust me, that is a beautiful thing.
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The Blue Hours, my novel, my e-book, lands on 8/17/12. I've been asked to consider writing Parts Two and Three. This is an experiment in what that voice might be. To me she sounds like Medusa.
Bold. Brazen. Lusty. You just want to put your arm around the narrator and give her a “You go, girl!”
If the writing was anything less than crystal clear here, you’d never gotten me to the point of encouraging an imaginary person (see paragraph above).
Well done.
Steve, thank you!Great note b/c the voice of the narrator has to be compelling, THANK you so much. Glad you are rooting for her,ha,ha.
Again, I am impressed with how you are able to explore so explicitly and without hesitation, the frontier of primal, libidinous forces that so many of us know, but, women especially, struggle to give ourselves permission to articulate. It's cathartic and jolting and refreshing to read your stuff. Makes me wanna say, Fuck YEAH!!!
thanks Deb,hers is a loud and profane voice, no clean edges.