I've always loved the the virgin. She's so easy to perform. The text is so secure. It is unchanging. Predictable. But its rare when I play the whore. You ask yourself; should you ever be allowed to feel this good? You'd think the choice would be easy, but it's not. It's not an easy choice.
It's not easy dressing up in high heels and waiting for your lover. It's not easy pacing around your small New York apartment, candles guttering in every room. It's not easy knowing that tonight is the night--- the mask of Lilith, like a shadow on the bed.
I picked it up. I put it down. I tried it on. I took it off. I fixed my make-up. I put on music. I avoided the bedroom, the mask, the other, but not for long. When the buzzer rang at 10:00 p.m., I swept the mask off my bed, and put it on. Done. My heart was pounding.
When he walked in the door he said, Turn around. And so I did. He said, Turn around again. And so I did, but more slowly; more grace, more panache, more sex. It was starting. It was beginning and I couldn't stop it--- the roller coaster before it begins its fatal drop. He smelled like cotton candy, like sweat, like aftershave. Lilith appeared, and I fell in love all over again.
Should you ever be allowed to feel this good?
I didn't notice or care that I was stripped down to just high heels, that he had placed a mirror next to the bed. I just wondered who we were looking at. I wondered if we were voyeurs; a side-show for ourselves. I saw calves and thighs, tangled up with black boots and blond hair. I saw us dangling at the top of a carnival ride, complete with screaming woman, gaudy lighting, and a man desperate for orgasm. Dante finally meets Beatrice, but alas she is a witch.
We came at the same time.
He jumped out of bed, threw open the bedroom window, his chest heaving, "Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ" --- his naked body covered in sweat. And me? I was a dream of a girl. I was a girl inside of a girl. I was no one. I was nothing but black sky and blue stars. The shoes had flown off, but was that still my smile in the mirror? He blew out the candles, jumped back into bed, and we both passed out. The next morning, I only knew one thing: Do not look at your body.
He got up to shower. Even when I was alone, I still did not look. I lay hidden beneath the sheets. I knew I was wounded. He knew this, too--- don't look. He knew this because after his shower, he threw on his clothes, kissed my cheek and left. I heard my door close. I heard his footsteps in the hall, down the stairs, out the door, then onto the street.
When he was gone, I finally looked at myself--- saw that my legs were tattooed up and down with bite marks. As if a rabid dog or a wolf had gotten control of me, sunk his incisors deep into my flesh, and wouldn't let go. I needed a rabies shot, antibiotics, and cold compresses. I needed to see a doctor, a shrink, a priest. A shaman. I needed to call my mother but she was dead.
I couldn't walk for a week. He never called. I washed the sheets, put away the mask, and threw out the candles. Life went back to normal except for this: I know she'll be back.
Should you ever be allowed to feel this good?
Image: Original "Barbie." Lilli by doll designer, Max Weissbrodt.
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Based on the myth of Lilith in the Old Testament where she's portrayed as man-eater and baby-killer, this is an attempt at a revision of that archetype.
This absolutely knocked my socks off. Original in every way. Sexy, too. Lines that really resonated: "Dante finally meets Beatrice, but alas she is a witch." "I needed to call my mother but she was dead." Congrats on a kick-ass piece. Fav
look, ok, this here?
I was a girl inside of a girl. I was no one. I was nothing but black sky and blue stars. The shoes had flown off, but was that still my smile in the mirror? He blew out the candles, jumped back into bed, and we both passed out. The next morning, I only knew one thing: Do not look at your body.
yep yep yep
working it--
Well done and vivid. To me, this piece is erotic and dark, the more so because its focus is on the narrator's thoughts and emotions. The roller-coaster of passion, and its price both up and down. Favorited.
Really powerful re-imaging of the Lilith mythos. Should we evre be allowed to feel so good?
Amazing story. Peace...
wow, thank you all so much, total experiment, sometimes it pays to go out on a limb. LAS
Should I enjoy reading your story so much? I lean forward in my chair, hit enter. Done. Fav.
Very strong writing. Great imagery throughout.
I like this line: "I was nothing but black sky and blue stars."
I was here earlier and read this, but was distracted before I could say how much I liked it. Lilith stories have always been a favorite of mine. Some day, I'm going to write one of my own.
I know its a powerful but negative archetype--- thanks for your comment.
Yes, vivid, erotic.
The interesting way you play with the concept of danger. The danger, for me, is not in how her body was left, but because she sees her alter ego as something dangerous, something that she fears. Ponders "Should you ever be allowed to feel this good?" Yet, "I know she'll be back."
Even the phrasing of "Should you ever be allowed to feel this good." The concept of being allowed... is so strong.
Was thrilled that she said Yes when she pondered for the last time about being allowed to feel this good.
exactly Cherise, the "yes" is ery important, exttremely important otherwise by bothering revisioning the archetype, thanks so much for your astute comment.
My pleasure!
It really speaks to what women think we should do versus what we may want to do, at least sometimes.
I look forward to reading your other work here.
thank you so much
Great premise on the danger factor, and I love the power of the italicized, repeated phrase: Should you ever be allowed to feel this good? Wow. And the affirmative ending left me feeling good after reading it, too. Thanks for posting!
your welcome, thanks for your comment, one should always say yes to danger :)
Vivid piece, it kind of took the wind out of me. Loved her voice which felt manic and alive. The mask is a terrific conceit and works on many levels. The whole piece had a kind of Mardi Gras feel to it-- bright and dark, fun and frightening, and you want to be there despite...
Thanks, Susan!
so strange, so vivid an imaginary time. Yet, she never sees the danger. She ends up, down, down, down.
Wow, I've just come to this, and what a piece to read first thing in the morning. It is so powerful -- powerful language, powerful images, powerful sex, powerful idea. And yet in all that in-your-face power is all the subtlety of identity, power-politics, insecurity, Self. The whole thing blows my mind, but I read this part over and over:
'And me? I was a dream of a girl. I was a girl inside of a girl. I was no one. I was nothing but black sky and blue stars.'
There's a hint at the bruising (on all levels) that has taken place, but mostly the metaphor of black sky and blue stars sticks. And dream of a girl, girl inside a girl -- I love those parts.
And what a fabulous ending after all. Fav indeed.
I love myths turned on their head/side/whatever, and you do it so well. Congratulations.
Dear Michelle and Beate, thank you so much for your comments, its great to have such an appreciative audience, all best, LAS
'I wondered if we were voyeurs; a side-show for ourselves.' I really liked the idea of doubling/shadowing that seemed to exist throughout the piece.
Really fabulous writing.
'Lilith Rising' is the name of a spiritual movement in the city I live in. I guess reclaiming Lilith must be something that feels pertinent to a lot of people's consciousnesses.
wish NYC had a chapter of "Lilith Rising" thanks so much for your comment
I like this very much. The layers of self we all have - you've managed to use Lilith to make me really feel them. The story has great pace, yet leaves me reflecting deeply. Lovely one.
kate, thank you so much!
What a wondrous question you have asked. This piece was chock full of little hallucinations that I would like to experience but may be too timid to do! "And me? I was a dream of a girl. I was a girl inside of a girl. I was no one. I was nothing but black sky and blue stars." was my whole reason to read it and then read it again.
Coming back to this one again... the depth of all the comments speaks to the complexity and intensity of this fine piece of writing. Yes. fave...
Cotton candy, sweat and aftershave. Every guy should smell this good. Wonderful piece.
I needed to call my mother but she was dead." I've been there. Good work.
The choice of "allowed" interests me. Carries the implication that some agency beyond the self is deciding. Not "Should you ever choose to feel this good" but "Should you ever be allowed".
Which is a commentary in itself on women's sexuality.
Thought provoking, Lillian, & powerful writing.
All that is missing is the check or the hundreds. Two the's in the first sentence, a stutter there, and why not? Gawd, this is one breath of a story after that. *
I'm happy to see my friend, Ann, present here. I'm not sure what to say to Lilith after mentioning Eve a couple minutes ago. I'll have to content myself with Cain thoughts. I always try to relate and "live" the lyric narrator, probably fatal. If I have to be satisfied with only wanting one more thing, I'd ask for another paragraph detailing the feeling, rather than this. Good?
"I was nothing but black sky and blue stars."
Favourite line..
The bite marks just got me.. it's almost like:
"I was just going to wait for you to die, but that was taking too long". So I ravaged you instead.
Hallucinations of Jon Hamm from Mad Men:)