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15151515 views2424 comments1313 favs

You hear the thrum of blowflies first...

Three New Poems

15141514 views99 comments88 favs

Letter(s)The sky set itself on fire, butit really didn't make a whole lot of difference. Birdsknew not to worry any more thanusual. Trees thought and made the mostof their landscapes as a way ofbeing modern and yet timeless. It's onlypeople who suffer from too much…

Washed Up

15141514 views77 comments66 favs

At noon on a weekday in the off season, when the trickle of tourists who wandered into the Mermaid Curio Shoppe had died out completely, she walked in with wet hair, leaving tiny puddles on the floorboards.

Let the Others Drool

15141514 views2020 comments1818 favs

They are all sleeping, but I know better. I will keep watch and if he comes tonight I will be alert and ready. When he arrives he'll see the slack mouths, the graceless sprawls, hear the grunts, snorts and snores of the other women and then he'll sense me. My eyes will…

Clay Women

15141514 views99 comments77 favs

"... I knew Willie had gone— out the back door or out the side window. I knew he probably slipped over the fence behind my house into Lou C.’s backyard..."

A Midsummer's Nightmare

15141514 views33 comments22 favs

"So, is this the datgum exit?" "Grumphfr exit fregerrock." (This response means either yes, it is, I told you that ten miles ago, or, no it's not, I told you that ten miles ago, depending if it’s the right exit or not.)

My House In The Middle Of The Ocean

15141514 views22 comments11 fav

I built a house in the middle of the ocean. I used sunlight for nails. Wind for wood. Stars for chandeliers, the moon for a doorknob.

Food for Thought

15131513 views1313 comments1111 favs

I could never be a chef.Preparing creations that will merely be consumed.If I were a chef,I'd have to create dishes that required chewingand chewing and chewing.I'd find it better for my dishes to be destroyed in the mouth.Remembered for their…

The Trench

15131513 views3838 comments1717 favs

His face was cold and hard as marble. Rudy’s angular features shuddered and twitched in the darkness.


15121512 views1616 comments1313 favs

Write a poem in which your father is a dog and you are his leash.

The Nude Pianist: A Novel: Chapter 1

15121512 views88 comments77 favs

Before he was Francesco Martinelli

Eyes Off the Road

15121512 views1616 comments1515 favs

One by one I lost my desires.

Old man deodorant

15121512 views11 comment11 fav

“I’m surprised you haven’t fucked yourself to death, too,” he added, “given your record.”

Hundreds of Hefner Girlfriends Lost, Feared Dead

15121512 views99 comments11 fav

I've come to the Playboy Mansion on a mission of mercy. Hugh Hefner, my good buddy, has just lost two girlfriends in a single day!

The Oaten Hands

15121512 views00 comments00 favs

His hands were like that when he was born. No one really understood why. Neither of his parents had any body parts made of oats. Neither of them had even eaten any oats the morning the conception took place. But sure enough, when Edwin MacGrain was born o


15121512 views1212 comments66 favs

The tadpoles flipped on the brown mud bottom. She dipped one out and held it near, seeing it in her belly, shaping arms and feet and a small, blond head. She set it back and stood, breasts out, arms up. The ducks in the weed, eyes hard like hungry boys, waited for bread.…

IGGY (Iguana Iguana) — A Novel (Chapter)

15111511 views22 comments11 fav

After he’d told her on Friday that No, he wasn’t going to sign that contract for the cemetery plots she’d picked out—“I don’t want to spend my whole life knowing exactly where I’ll end up” is exactly what he’d said—the marriage, as far as she was concerne

Poets House, NYC (revised)

15111511 views33 comments22 favs

Oh, you can’t stay, your poetry/ Is still out in the world, maybe when you die/Your volumes will make their way/Not just here but everywhere

The Happy Bunny Family and the Enormous Publisher’s Clearing House Check

15111511 views33 comments11 fav

The Happy Bunny Family had a secret: They weren't very happy.Everyone in town knew it, but of course no one said anything. Mr. Happy Bunny would stroll through the center of town on his way to work and people would smile and nod and wish him a good day and he would return…

Caffeine-Fueled Revelation Machines

15111511 views55 comments33 favs

So she leans over the patio table like that model in that magazine ad and then takes a sip of her blended coffee drink as if a director had said to pretend the straw is a penis. As if this director only just shouted, “And you're a dirty, dirty girl, and

What's Wrong With Stella by Starlight?

15101510 views1111 comments33 favs

Suzie went on to become an anchorwoman in Los Angeles after college. She had tiny bruises on her feet where she’d shoot heroin since she didn’t want tracks to show on her arms, where they’d ruin the effect of a little black cocktail dress

“Give me fifty words about a Beaver…”

15101510 views44 comments33 favs

…Professor Wumbat begins.

Truth at a Bonsai Booth

15101510 views99 comments55 favs

I envisioned bound feet of ancient Asian women who wore embroidered slippers that hid grotesque disfigurements.


15101510 views44 comments22 favs

“Really? And you write…?” asked her breasts in the black dress, making excellent eye contact. He smiled at them.

Dog Days

15101510 views3636 comments1616 favs

A forgotten sprinkler is going in a neglected flower garden, water overflowing the bent wood borders and flooding the ground on either side.

In a Pinch

15101510 views99 comments33 favs

His worst nightmare had come true. He wasn't wearing green and all of the other kids were.

The Damned Thing Out

15101510 views00 comments00 favs

Something was there. It was undeniable, and he turned to face the padre, whose eyes were now clenched shut. Without asking for further permission, he moved his hand in-between the intestines, which felt like curtains of tightly—wound chorizos. Suddenly

Gateway to the Continent

15091509 views22 comments22 favs

I got to Victoria station at quarter to eleven on a Friday with nothing but a small leather bag and the vague idea of getting out of London.

Mr. Smashface eats fast food at Supermarket # 9

15091509 views66 comments33 favs

“Now God,” Mr. Smashface calls me out by name.

Zen and the Art of Enjoying the Last Laugh

15091509 views66 comments55 favs

What doesn't kill you gives you great material.