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The Work of Beauty

10561056 views88 comments77 favs

the steady, persistent work of beauty

The Year, In Review

10561056 views33 comments33 favs

And him, now there’s a him. I’d like if he were perfect, but perfect things never are. My daughter says it best, when she contrasts the two of you, “Daddy worked to forget about his problems. When he works, it makes him feel like there is a problem.”

Ah Ha

10561056 views22 comments22 favs

He started to shudder and stutter as he got closer to it. Time went at a different rate. The gravitational field was getting stronger. His resolve to enter the point of Nothing grew stronger.

Receive Death As The River Stone

10551055 views33 comments22 favs

Death. That which lays all men equal in the eyes of the earth. Their is one for each of us, a unique snowflake of demise tailor made for every organism that persists in this convoluted game of life.

Bedtime Stories

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Even before I tap on the door I know I am being watched with one eye. My footsteps have surely given me away. A swift tug on it reveals her to me—half of her, that is, and I slink past the threshold, to her. From her eyes I see that she has…


10551055 views44 comments11 fav

Hers or mine? You figure it out, jackass.


10551055 views22 comments00 favs

When he got to the office, he opened the drawer with the new can of fish food and realized he’d forgotten to buy a fish tank. He hated fish, hated the thought of a “hobby” but his girlfriend’s therapist had suggested it. Hobbied, hobbled, whatever

Coffee Foam

10551055 views55 comments33 favs

We entered the castle at dawn. The dim light feebly illumined an array of antiques and medieval weapons. Bats dangled from the high vaulted ceiling, enfolded in membranous wings. What were once chandeliers radiating light were encrusted with webs and the ancient wax…

Cube of Boxes

10551055 views33 comments22 favs

...he was suddenly and hazily relieved that he had something in Persepolis and blue agave plants to talk to her about.

Examination of Faith (And the Big Bang)

10551055 views77 comments44 favs

The marble, it's just there. I can't explain how it got there (or when), all I know is that everything is in that marble. By "everything," I mean every thing. Your breakfast? It's there.

Moving Up

10551055 views1212 comments1010 favs

Sometimes I had the time right, and sometimes the place; that day, they came together.

Carpe Diem

10551055 views66 comments44 favs

And as you try to read, he appears. No, not in front of you, but somewhere just behind your eyes. You hear the sound at the end of an argument, just before the kiss; you see a shirt fall to the ground in late summer; you watch him read as his mouth


10551055 views1616 comments77 favs

It's time, more than anything

Pen Pals

10551055 views1414 comments1010 favs

Sitting together at Starbucks, we composed a long love letter which we've been mailing back and forth to each other, signing our name upon each receipt and returning it for the last nine months and it has grown to eighty seven pages, barely fitting in a shoe box.


10551055 views33 comments11 fav

With spring rain And greening buds


10551055 views44 comments33 favs

A story about convincing people to do things they don't want to do, written entirely in dialogue; originally published by CHEAP POP.

Accidental Faith

10551055 views22 comments00 favs

Until millennia have passed and the world is dug up For future historians to ponder And through their meticulous disassembling of dirt They will find my book.

Shadow Walker

10551055 views22 comments00 favs

Night became day and back again in the span of a heartbeat, the familiar strangeness of the sudden change stinging like dust in the eye.

A Day At The Beach

10551055 views22 comments00 favs

Rothko and Stella loved the beach. To Jalapeno it was just one big litter box and for her it held no great appeal. She sprawled sunbathing on the dashboard lifting a lid occasionally to watch Lauren riding a wave. The dogs delirious with freedom romped and chased tight…

Eskimos Happened to Come Wandering By

10551055 views22 comments22 favs

Meet Carl. He's six-three, two hundred and thirty pounds. He has light-brown hair,…

everything moved in circles

10551055 views1414 comments99 favs

everything moved in circles like the music, the booze and the drugs

Passing by Pallanteum

10551055 views66 comments22 favs

Passing by PallanteumOr ‘Dido's Song' Form: Double Sestina, iambic pentameter, rhymed Who knows of hell, knows less of paradise? I've known them both, when vanquished in your eyes, When draws the kelp where lost men had their graves Below…

Love Story

10551055 views1111 comments77 favs

You are a warm winter Despite the presence of snow


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When I was a very little girl—I was five—my mother and a black gentleman she was incarcerated with broke out of a mental institution and kidnapped me.


10551055 views1212 comments77 favs

I need some fantastic news. I need some happy news. I need to feel happy. Need Fantastic Need Fantastical Need News Need Happy need happy news make happy news happy make ake

The Quiet-Minded One

10551055 views00 comments00 favs

Oh, wait — loosen the ropes, you say? Sorry. Can't do that.

The First Time

10541054 views1111 comments99 favs

The summer I turned fourteen I had a job babysitting our neighbor, Pam's three year old daughter, Annie, three nights a week while Pam was going to Junior College, but it was hardly work because, after I tucked Annie in to sleep, I just watched TV, sitting in Pam's den…

continuously uncomfortable

10541054 views33 comments22 favs

I could feel myself slipping back into my old ways again and it always hurt like hell.

Far As You Want

10541054 views44 comments11 fav

At a rest stop in Montpelier, they stopped to buy Cokes and gum from the vending machines. He was showing off, trying to jimmy one of the locks with a safety pin but it stayed locked and she laughed at him and he said goddamn, look at all a them Milkyways

the plunge

10541054 views1010 comments55 favs

Bottom's up, mon cherie. On land, I'll grab mine with two hands. But in water, boy, I'm weightless and turning, a regular fish -- afloat, flopping, deboned.