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The Book You'll Never Read

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THE BOOK YOU'LL NEVER READ CONTENTS This Is Not A Test In The Event Of A Nuclear Attack, This Message Will Be Followed By A Message From Your Local Civilian Defense Authority Fuck, The Radio Doesn't Work Trouble Shooting Radios The Top 40…

Looking Back On the Night That the Easy Went Under

10921092 views33 comments22 favs

Where were you the night Katrina destroyed New Orleans? Oh, what a night... A week later, most of the city was still underwater, with hundreds or thousands of folks presumed dead, and tens of thousands…

Closed Curve

10921092 views22 comments00 favs

What the heck to believe in??

What's It To You

10921092 views77 comments33 favs

Oh I'm melting all right, into a foul vapor rising from a dead volcano, not even able to spit fire, but only cold old frozen rock like dribbles of putrid plasma.

from Abel, to a reproachful correspondent

10921092 views66 comments44 favs

when you betrayed the vain ambition of my death,/I did not complain.

Petey Prickles Vs. Funeral Steve: An ALL-NEW Petey Prickles Caper!

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Ivy Oppel was one hard cousin to cry for. And a hard woman, too, but Ooops! Kapow! There's a hole in her head. Not hard enough, then. I'm harder, thought Dumasha. A girl with a gun can have some fun in this world.

Paris Love Songs: Nos. 5 & 6

10921092 views88 comments77 favs

Aucune idée

What If?

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“Can you adopt if you work for the circus?” I asked her


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I left Iowa in august when the air was thick and sticky. I had been there three years minus a few days when the boy I'd been sleeping with packed almost everything I owned into my car and waved goodbye. In Baltimore I had few friends and a job teaching English at a…

11 Bang-Bang

10911091 views33 comments22 favs

The smell of candy and burn... /A patriotic prose poem for the fourth of July.


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Ruth carries always a small bottle of nitroglycerin; and tissues, wads of tissues; two Tums (for calcium, she tells me)...

Another Supper

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The man was older and had never found a wife. Years of accumulated pain had short-circuited his instincts so that the first time he met the woman, he doubted her. Each time he spoke to her, he felt himself responding, but he wouldn't allow himself to plea


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Her memory was a faded pastiche of the past, and indeed the present sat uneasily in the middle of the dreams that governed her mind; so it was that often she would forget the day, the time, the year.


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fate is an illusion we use to ease the terror of our mortality

Indentured Servitude

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"I’m wearing a white sundress with little strings tied at the shoulders, sheer white panties, and a lace push up bra." It sounded good, sexy, likable. The kind of outfit a girl he’d fall in love with would wear- if he was prone to love, that is. "That sou

The Medicine

10911091 views55 comments55 favs

It wasn't pain but half of it, so half of it I mended

Attention, Stargazers

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And in the end we're crouched over like children / sifting through this tide-pool

There is no heartbeat, Mrs Stirling.

10911091 views44 comments55 favs

I lost a baby two years ago. At 8.5 weeks after seeing her heart beat. I haven't been able to talk about it, but I can write about it. My throat cracks and splinters when I begin to form a thought or word or phrase. I took such great care when…

Not Good Enough

10911091 views99 comments1010 favs

So where does that leave me, Roscoe Loomis wondered, dismounting his silver, aluminum steed in his sweat-soaked, spandex outfit, and, clearing the saliva from his beard he walked over, checked and smiled, learning that the bike track's timing unit showed it was Roscoe's…

Sorbet in the Luminous Capsule

10911091 views33 comments22 favs

Even in the brief flickers where your eyes and nose are visible you look gelatinous. Like a forgotten traveler suctioned to the side of an immersion tank. Am I sick because this bizarre spectacle is irresistible to me?

Lover's Spat

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“You haven’t been listening, have you.”

11am, Sunday, in Green

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The eyelid of the sink blinks silence. The clocks choke on smoke.

What I told the police the morning after

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Miracles don’t happen to the poor.

The Evacuation Queue

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The ticking must have gone on for an hour before Kathy realized it wasn't a clock. When the line finally moved, the rhythm changed. When the queue stopped again, she glanced behind her and noticed a woman in torn jeans and a filthy sweater tapping a heel on the…

Annals of the Naked Rowdies #78

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A true Rowdies fan begins every conversation about the band with a legend. She would be impressed if he knew the story.

What Happens In A Bed

10911091 views1010 comments66 favs

Eight days before her 50th birthday they were married in their soft new pajamas, holding hands on his bed in the hospital. The pastor and witnesses wore protective hospital gowns and gloves; the patient was in isolation once again. A special dispensation from the head…

The Soft, Cool Blanket of Night

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wrap me in the soft, cool blanket of night. waning,the moon peers down at melike the heavy-lidded eye of some cyclops. and if I be lost like poor Odysseus,cloak me in the soft, warm wool of night. and if my eyes fail me like old Tiresias,stitch the cloth with…

All Fall Down

10911091 views1010 comments99 favs

He just up and dropped dead one day, Charles said. Pretty tough on Karen, I opined. Charles looked the other way.

Haiku Life

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A funny thing this life

Saturday TV with Dad

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By the sixth - Dizz, Falstaff buzzed - Croons - The Wabash Cannonball