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walk off the animal

11171117 views1010 comments44 favs

I don’t know how some can do it. Can they just walk off the animal in the yard or something, and forget about love altogether? Some have that built-in coldness of the soul, I guess. I don’t get it. The blood does not seem to shake their hearts. Are th

Reasons to Live (RtL) = right to left

11171117 views99 comments88 favs

6. to register for the draft

i dream

11171117 views66 comments44 favs

i dream a thousand interconnected pictures. i dream the future. i dream we are together. i dream i love you. i dream i am forgiven. i dream you care. i dream nice dreams. i go to the bank. i deposit my check. i pay the rent. i pet the cat. i…

13 machines from the Bird King's private collection

11171117 views11 comment11 fav

1. The sparrows' heads revolve slowly when you press the red button, but the boxing glove attachments don't work.2. A weird weaving of voices, unmusical harmony. One phrase punctures the texture: “The empty slot.”3. Poems are processed into more useful verbal…

The Planet Will Erase Us

11171117 views2323 comments1111 favs

We control/ nothing.

Lessons from a Pine

11171117 views88 comments44 favs

I awake one morning to find that still, the leaves continue to fall.

The Sky Just Now

11171117 views55 comments44 favs

has somehow gotten off its swaddled behind and put on its next new face, your own dipped in glass, of many green eyes for simple fair measure , lifting up my own morning lids with softly pulsating …

As Poetry Month Ends, Prosaic Types Get Their Turn

11171117 views55 comments44 favs

“I’m going,” O’Bannon-Krim says with exasperation as she throws trinkets such as Dylan Thomas beer coozies and Edna St. Vincent Millay hair scrunchies into a cardboard box.


11171117 views11 comment11 fav

empty wine bottles, and a single abandoned boot

4 Chapters

11171117 views55 comments44 favs

But I don't see the cabinets, or know how to put the 4 chapters he's talking about today into the drawers that are invisible, floating, above his bed he's been in for a year, me sitting next to him, becoming a spinster.

(5) Forgiveness

11171117 views00 comments11 fav

“Charlie was right about you, Nan,” she said in a voice of pure defeat. “You are a gentle spirit. And probably too good for people like us.”

The Voyeurism of a Free Faller

11171117 views66 comments44 favs

I wrote this piece after I told the originator of the youtube video "Mieders Alpine Coaster" by David Jellis how I felt watching it. I admitted I was a voyeur not a participant, but that his video fascinated me to the point that I needed to write ab

Dial Tone

11171117 views33 comments33 favs

I am asking for something as simple as water. In an oak tree, weeping, a child climbed too high. Tears that the barkstain will never wash clear. O love. We ask far too much when we fall. In a momentary lapsus, the words…


11171117 views00 comments00 favs

Silence overtakes her, the bellowing has ceased. Curious, she thinks, could this be causation or merely correlation? Assuming the former, Hailey moves, swiftly, being sure only to place her weight down when red carpet is underneath her feet. This works.

Sweet Sorrow

11161116 views1313 comments1111 favs

He sat at the bar and waited for her. He looked at the noon drinkers with indifferent eyes.

My Drunk Friend

11161116 views77 comments66 favs

My drunk friend is built like a hastily packed trash bag; full of lumps and portending very dark things.

Beside the Pool at Noon

11161116 views33 comments00 favs

he flies away past the green explosion, into the azure sky


11161116 views55 comments22 favs

Method of divination. Open a book to any section. Drop your hand onto the page. Read that there is an exorcism happening in the other room.

Saga For The Eyes

11161116 views44 comments22 favs

Stars fat as the stars that Van Gogh painted on his easel in Arles, a ring of candles burning on the brim of his hat. Stars that fill the night with delirium.


11161116 views33 comments22 favs

1. It started coming down in flakes. The room was warm and the windows were double insulated, but she was naked and her body was being dressed in snow. He stood over her with the spray can. Maybe you can be the Christmas tree this year. You won't keep me till Christmas she…

Lessons Learned

11161116 views22 comments11 fav

What was so bad about other religions that their followers were automatically condemned to eternal damnation? The priests were so convincing when they claimed Christ was the only true way.

The Squirm

11161116 views33 comments22 favs


Danse Macabre

11161116 views1414 comments99 favs

Each day, they trot the coiffed/ and painted cadavers across the stage.


11161116 views55 comments55 favs

I asked her how she came to be at our little party. We all knew she was an intern. What would she want with the likes of us, the orderlies and techs and strays? She just held up Ed's flyer and said, "Why not?" But she didn't look happy. We fired up and someone said, "Let's…

A Bad Year

11161116 views55 comments55 favs

It's been a bad year, People dying. Some too close to home, Some too far away. I cry down to you, In your casket, and think you might sit up. You were not sick You went in just a moment, Looking stunning and alive. Not…

The Breakup

11161116 views44 comments55 favs

Don’t break things, I add. And he looks at me like I’ve broken everything else.

Missing the Bus

11161116 views2222 comments1010 favs

Something about her eyes...

January First

11161116 views1212 comments99 favs

Enumerate the small delights/ this bright first morning


11161116 views33 comments22 favs

It was the coward's way out, to commit suicide. And yet, one had to be brave to attempt it.

Marion and Carolee

11161116 views1010 comments88 favs

I never took more than a few pills at a time, just enough for a treat on Friday night.