by A. Pseudonym
I am exceeded
by a leaf.
Tracing its edge around
the five points pattern
and the frail veins throughout
Considering it merge
and spring into relief
overcomes me
I am left where I am
washed over though
and changed
refigured by lack
and still standing
moved but unmoved
I will drive home and forget
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I go out to the world where things grow twisted and abundant together, intending fulfillment. I aim to reconfigure my soul. I suppose that matching its rhythms to those of the trees and vines moving with the wind will elevate me. Yes, elevation - recently identified by the scientists as a distinct emotion - is what I seek.
And I do find it, but its composition is surprising. I thought elevation would be a sort of rising. I expected the sky to bring me up. I imagined myself serene like a pond in the night.
That is not how it works. I climbed a mountain, but I fell short. I was elevated, yes. I felt peace, yes. But the peace was the mountain’s, and it did not translate. I walked upward, and each step revealed what my own feeling was not becoming.
At first this disappointed me. I felt disingenuous. Like I was affecting Thoreau, and just playing at Walden. Pretending to get something out of it.
Then I reconsidered. I had “gotten something out of it.” The feeling of elevation is not one of arrival, as I had thought. It is more like a striving without stress. You reach, and fall short, and are happy.
Loved this A. The wonder of nature. The power of life. Faved
A strong, strong poem. Wish I would have found this sooner. I'll be back to read it again, no doubt.