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Five Bones

12421242 views99 comments88 favs

When the storm broke, my late aunt's dog fetched five favourite bones from his corner, and arranged a crude protective circle.

news through a window

12421242 views77 comments55 favs

TV and power cord valorized in dust,/ wires and digital guts unimpaired, I’d guess . . .

Long Sticks Are Often Useful

12421242 views1111 comments1010 favs

It was just lying there by the side of the road next to a mailbox, pockets turned out, weeds kinda rolled flat around it. I counted three nickels, a dime, and a cigar butt too. I could sure use the change for gum, but I didn't want to get near it. It looked dead,…


12421242 views55 comments77 favs

My grandmother didn't like fireworks much. She said they reminded her of the raids during the war, when everybody stayed in the tube tunnels at night, going in buckets and curling up on the tracks.

Woman On A Bicycle

12421242 views00 comments00 favs

And the ocean was black and green and blue—as your dress that clung to your body’s curve. Round as the bend of the water trailing the false line of the shore.

Arbitrary Dilettante

12421242 views33 comments11 fav

Every damned time we came back to Richland County, I told JuneBug to just do whatever she had to do but to leave me and Skeeter out of it. And every goddamned time, we ended up somewhere like this, the two sisters hook-armed and conspiratorial, and Skeete

The Sin Eater

12421242 views11 comment00 favs

Priests didn’t just disappear, not without a reason, so there hadn’t been any doubt when Merrick was suddenly replaced. No one had said it, but they didn’t have to. And her boys, thank God—at least he’d done nothing to them.


12421242 views11 comment11 fav

“We know you’re in there, motherfucker. Step out, slowly, and we might keep you fit for an open casket funeral."

Remember the Maine

12411241 views99 comments99 favs

He remembered waking up on those lazy summer days hearing the sad song of mourning doves.


12411241 views55 comments33 favs

For reasons he couldn't fathom, his motorcycle only moved in reverse. He engaged the engine and lurched backward hard. He called a friend, a gear-head with perpetually dirty nails, asked him to look it over.

Through windows dimly lit

12411241 views99 comments55 favs

Burren-grey, the sky through sky lights is cigarette ash smashed across July.

Kidz Love Klezmer

12411241 views66 comments55 favs

The clarinet and the accordion are brothers, I see. Big, fat men with curly, klezmer hair.

And the Canon Rap Got Played

12411241 views22 comments11 fav

Back in the sixties, I chanced upon a list of books. That’s right. Sifting a black garbage bin, I found the long lost canon. Seizing the moment, I snatched the list, and cradled it in my palms. I felt proud and patriotic for saving such a noble list f

Two Different Worlds

12411241 views66 comments55 favs

The boy was sure of something,She was just the one. The girl was sure of nothing, Her life had just begun. For him, he'd found his partner, There was never any doubt. For her, he was fine for now, But there was more to learn about. He thought it was a perfect…

Good Deed Punished (Matthew IV)

12411241 views1616 comments99 favs

homelessness, you called the lie,

Barn Owl

12411241 views1717 comments1717 favs

I was out of my element. I was on property that wasn't mine. In a woods with mansions tucked away among the trees.

The Sugar

12411241 views1515 comments33 favs


Sleep Music, No. 1

12411241 views55 comments22 favs

Now they are sleeping in a poppy field, sun-drenched warm afternoon girls lying on their stomachs and sides, faces in flowers, and flowers blowing, blowing. If this afternoon were every afternoon, the world would be cured.

The Undertaker's Son

12411241 views00 comments00 favs

You would never see me the same again. You'd always be peaking at me from behind your mother's apron.

The tenth point of possession being this... Rev2

12411241 views2121 comments1111 favs

Guys on safari wearing safari jackets shoot things all day, things with funny names …

After the Poison

12411241 views66 comments77 favs

I've measured out our time togethersealed it in airtight bottlesthe one labeled 1998 kept closelike smelling saltsOne whiff a camphor waking memaking me high on the idea of usputting blinders on your infidelitiesdouble vodkas and damaging wordsAnd when that isn't enoughI…


12411241 views44 comments11 fav

"What's that smell?" Osama glares at me from the front seat of the Trans Am. "What smell?" I say. "You smell like a diaper. Are you wearing a diaper?" Osama and Peach both laugh at me. "No... maybe, its my Baby Soft perfume. Is it too strong?"


12401240 views00 comments00 favs

... all my friends are girls; I like opera; I can answer all the questions about male and female ejaculation – without stammering – in sex ed. classes. And Braydon? In boardshorts, tall and tanned and naked from the waist up ...

Magnum Opus

12401240 views44 comments33 favs

The scaffolding had been difficult to construct. The rock floor of the bluff offered no purchase, so he'd been forced to anchor braces to the trees behind, then span some thirty feet. A cantilevered gallows reached another fifteen feet past the stage...


12401240 views33 comments22 favs


Chapter Two: Oracle

12401240 views88 comments77 favs

The first thing I saw was a sandal, but it didn't exactly look priestly. It was golden and glowing, and the foot it was strapped to had red painted nails. The straps wrapped around her ankles, and up her slender leg, tied off in a bow below the knee.

The Perfect Plan

12401240 views00 comments00 favs

They screened the thousands of mosquitoes that hatched, and found a few carrying the botox transgene. In a few months time, several billion mosquitoes had been bred, ready for release. Now to wait for that diplomatic flashpoint, when war could be declared

In the Alley

12401240 views1212 comments77 favs

as i sink down into the shadows crawling like a worm past cold bricks centuries old in my blood


12401240 views33 comments00 favs

The Snowman grinned malevolently as the Sugar Plum fairies shook in their tiny powdered boots."Santa has one more hour and then you're all marshmallow toasts!" the Snowman said. He laughed and he laughed. His evil plan? He wanted the key to time delivered to him personally…

One Bag of Popcorn

12401240 views99 comments22 favs

“Dad’s a dick,” my sister said. I nodded. He threw $20 on the candy counter for one small bag of popcorn and told the girl to keep the change.