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Sleepless #3

12621262 views88 comments66 favs

My ex-girlfriends live in a pastel-drenched cabin on the edge of a hemlock forest in Canada somewhere,


12621262 views88 comments88 favs

Today the color of the skyremakes my heart into somethingless willing to break, or to judge,and I am thankful for it. Acolor not unlike walking chestdeep in the ocean and seekingbeautiful clouds and thinking Iwill be back. Dreaming with the sky.Please stop lying to me. A…


12611261 views88 comments22 favs

The midsummer sky is black above us when I hear Dad say my name, quiet like I’ve never heard before. I let my hands drop away from my face and crawl towards him.

Plant Me

12611261 views1212 comments99 favs

If you find the place they forgot to bomb send me a hot pink postcard. The planet is only so big. We're already dipping our heels into the waters without wanting to become true believers, miserable followers. The bedtime stories will have to…


12611261 views00 comments00 favs

Ben tossed the newspaper aside, muttering. Carol, curled up on the sofa, peered past the glasses at the tip of her nose and past the crossword puzzle. "What?" "The Brits wanted to fight rather than be taken hostage. They had an escort boat ridin

Living Through Fuzzy

12611261 views77 comments55 favs

They politely urged him not to get too involved with his creations.


12611261 views44 comments44 favs

Momma takes us to the candle store next door where everything smells sweet as she opens, closes glass lids, lets us lean our faces close, smell pumpkin, lavender, trees...

When the Muse Abandons You

12611261 views2323 comments1313 favs

I am abandoned to the mundane/ calculations of a small mind/ trapped by small considerations


12611261 views00 comments00 favs

On stage, students from the junior college join children from the community to speak and sing in American-French accents. They are timid, heart-broken, in love, rebellious, faithful, resigned to their fates—and all in the matter of a few short hours.

You Atop Franz Josef Glacier, Twelve Miles From the Tasman Sea

12611261 views1616 comments1010 favs

58 words

A Christmas Surprise

12611261 views11 comment11 fav

"John is going to love it when he finds out that it pees," Bobby said. Kelly laughed and dropped a towel on the floor.

Yellow Dining Room (from The New Yorker)

12611261 views22 comments22 favs should pick a VERY OLD millionaire. Very old, and NOT VERY WELL...

"Save what from heaven is with the breezes blown..."

12611261 views1010 comments44 favs

A Parody of Keats I stood at silent thought upon a clump Of nettles, swaying in the od'rous air- That blew from my own trousers, by the dump; That it had not blown more lent me despair. The dulcet horn gave melody, rare…

Someday, Somewhere, waiting for me.

12611261 views55 comments33 favs

Out in the open air, the sun's rays washing over the dead, open fields, Nick lay, his back against the wall of the train platform, eyes facing the sky, hands outstretched to the…

Black Widow

12611261 views99 comments55 favs

Hair as black as a Raven’s wing. Dark eyes. You wore a black dress, too, my favorite color.


12611261 views88 comments33 favs

Sometimes they bleat like sheep when I shave in the shower. They live in a complex social order.


12611261 views22 comments11 fav


Testament (complete)

12611261 views1616 comments1313 favs

Their nouns are few and stark./ Ours are numerous and dappled/ or subtly shaded and shadowed/ by circumstance and possibility.

The Rising Tide

12611261 views1919 comments1111 favs

I'm just a rental dog myself looking for the guardian of starlight peeing on the expired parking meters and barking up all the wrong trees.

Dream Life (flash friday)

12611261 views00 comments00 favs

Virginia hated herself for every moment she spent wondering what it would have been like if things had been different. How would her life be if Glen hadn’t been misdiagnosed, if he hadn’t died when she was a year married and four months pregnant? Not

more horrid haiku

12601260 views88 comments77 favs

a mere forty years/and maybe you become twelve,/maybe sixty-three.

Slouching Towards Bethlehem

12601260 views66 comments55 favs

We didn't wear shoes in the summer, except for Sunday school and church. The soles of our feet were black and tough as shoe leather.


12601260 views1010 comments66 favs

My first girlfriend had blue Christmas lights strung on trees in front of her stone house. My family had all gone to bed. When midnight came, it was snowing.

A Piece of Him

12601260 views1313 comments88 favs

the / future is now incomplete

Lost In Space

12601260 views00 comments00 favs

He was jolted awake from his light slumber by his pod crash landing. Landing? That means he found a planet. He opened the pod and got out to stretch his legs. He looked around. "Wow, and I thought Aleria was advanced. This is amazing."

When the Well Runs Dry

12601260 views77 comments44 favs

and the moon shines on like a silver dollar and coyotes in the desert scream and holler

Work Room

12601260 views1919 comments99 favs

the constant inner jabber

A Lovely Ghost Sings a Haunting Thing at Her Own Reflection

12601260 views99 comments88 favs

We've come this far. That's all we know. We've watched others reach their abrupt ends. They've given us this exact moment and we've taken it from them, sometimes without thinking. It's time for the next communication. I know what concern is…

12 Dreams

12601260 views88 comments00 favs

That dog again; enduring love.

The Prize

12601260 views1212 comments77 favs

The fish would need a name, but she didn’t know how to tell if it was a boy or a girl. Did fish have penises?