by Bill Yarrow
She prayed that he would live forever
He worshipped her exuberant lips
She loved the size of his mustache
He rode the highway of her thighs
She climbed the hill of his condition
He biked the path of her delight
She broke his dreams against her fears
He cut his eyeteeth on her tongue
She planted the vine of his desire
He watered the garden of her heart
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A version of his poem was published in Ygdrasil.
"Anniversary Waltz" appears in THE VIG OF LOVE (Glass Lyre Press, 2016).
Delightful as a perfect plum, perfectly ripe, dropped from the tree into my eager palm. *
The last two lines. **
What Mathew said.
I wanted this to go on and on.
Thank you, Amanda, Mat, Rachna, Gary, Gary, Dianne, and Darryl!
*, Bill. A tribute to their love.
Good balance to the lines. I like.
I'm a sucker for this type poem. *
Thanks you, David, Sam, and John!
Clearly wonderful.*
Love sacraments. Lovely! *
Thanks, Tim and Barry!