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So I Wrote Thirty Poems in Thirty Days And I'm Still Not Sure If I Learned Anything Except How To Write Really Goddamn Fast

23352335 views3333 comments1919 favs

be accepted be accepted


23342334 views2929 comments2222 favs

and there is no climbing up/ to any height, and the sun/ is cloaked by cloud,

Getting There

23312331 views2525 comments1414 favs

The monarchs that migrate to Mexico and California in the autumn every year live for only a month.

Jared Sampson's Mom

23302330 views77 comments55 favs

She died in a car crash yesterday. She was driving down Hawthorne, past the strip mall with the Benihana’s, when her ’05 Corolla unaccountably careened over the center meridian and into oncoming traffic.


23302330 views99 comments44 favs

He envisioned sinking his hands through his fat and pulling out the young, sinewy, long-haired Brendan Yin, the man Evelyn fell in love with. The blubbery shell would fall away to the floor, like a greasy banana peel, and the real Brendan Yin would be lo

The Clown Show

23302330 views11 comment00 favs

Long nights on the road and into the ravines, wondering wordlessly how far they had traveled and where they were going, wondering and forgetting and consulting again the map, although they now travelled those forests beyond the forests on maps

When the Translator Disappears, the Translation Withers and Dies

23282328 views3333 comments2626 favs

She pined for the return of the trans­la­tor who / became mes­sianic in her eyes.


23252325 views4040 comments2020 favs

They lie down in the prairie grass and clutch each other, imagine dying under fat clouds.

A Girl's Legs Stirring The Air

23242324 views33 comments22 favs

A girl’s legs stirring the air up behind his back as he lies between her thighs stirring the air repetitively like a sea anemone stirring the water to feed the soul, the hunger between the legs and arms for new life, stirring up

Arcana Magi - c.2: Alysia Morales, Sentinel of Suzaku

23212321 views00 comments00 favs

The bird sat down bringing its feathers closer to Alysia. She pressed her hands on the feathers and they felt like her pillows. Her ears rested on its breast and heard its heart beat.

The Cuckold

23202320 views55 comments22 favs

his wife had made love to another man, out of spite or love or to wake him from his conventional slumber, we never learned. We were there as a foil, a first step towards reconciliation, unction.

Losing (Valentine's Day Massacre Poem)

23192319 views2525 comments1212 favs

Paid and laid, they leave.

Wrestling with Genetics

23182318 views6868 comments3333 favs

I know he's an accident waiting to happen.


23172317 views6464 comments2525 favs

He’d kept the parking space open. She used it most often, whenever she and her husband, an old drinking buddy, came to visit.

Should you ever be allowed to feel this good?

23172317 views3333 comments1818 favs

I didn't notice or care that I was stripped down to just high heels, that he had placed a mirror next to the bed. I just wondered who we were looking at.

Rome Ants In The Sky

23152315 views3939 comments1616 favs


The Warden

23082308 views66 comments33 favs

But others maintained that Billy Navins was a mad dog that needed to be put down and were just as glad that Lester was around to do it. " Call it a mercy killing," someone said. " Put the poor bastard out of his misery, didn't he ?"

Midnight Riders

23062306 views3838 comments2020 favs

One dinner party, two couples, three bottles of wine. A moonbeam shone on the balcony. They felt a slight shifting under their chairs and heard a quiet scraping sound, then the apartment slid out from the building and lifted away.

My Other Mother is a Ferrari

23052305 views1616 comments99 favs

******WARNING: Long-ass story****** Click at your own risk.

Bicycle Boys

23042304 views00 comments22 favs

They would ride with a mechanic synchronicity, like schools of robotic fish, and appear and disappear suddenly, never still, never trapped in traffic snarls, always finding a way through the gridlocks and the side streets.

Wedding Day

23002300 views99 comments55 favs

A bride, dressed in white gown and flowing veil, totters in high heels down the uneven pavement past Simone’s Café. She holds a bouquet of red and orange chrysanthemums. Three men, wearing black tuxes, accompany her; one of them holds up the hem of her dr


22982298 views1919 comments1212 favs

I went out through another cold still morning erasing my steps behind me not because I did not want to be followed but because I did not want to find my way back again.


22952295 views1414 comments1111 favs

“When he felt most loved, he felt most _ burdened.” Stephen Dobyns When she loved him she burdened him. She knew he felt a pull but he always resisted it. They went to an old refurbished hotel in Venice and asked if they might see the rooms. …

Reading Rilke Aloud in an Empty House

22942294 views2121 comments1616 favs

I arranged all my books before you came, / so that it appears I read some more than others.

The Sun Eaters

22942294 views4040 comments2727 favs

And in the end, when there was nothing left and we all had come to look like whispers, we ate the sun.

My Kentucky Fried Ascension (Memoir)

22942294 views1212 comments33 favs a boy I rode once in an elevator with Colonel Sanders...

Things I Should Have Done - #3

22942294 views6262 comments1919 favs

Should I have shooed the cats from my bed? Shaken awake the silky tangle of feline true love curled at my feet? Shut their bedroom door against them? Perhaps, maybe, I don’t know.

A New Tattoo

22942294 views6060 comments2424 favs

She’s waving, Hey, I’m home! Like nothing’s happened. Like weeks haven’t passed since she left.


22932293 views3939 comments3131 favs

On the ground deputies comb the back roads. Border Patrol scouts from the air

Baby, Baby...

22922292 views6666 comments3434 favs

Co-workers come in to pee or brush their teeth and the pump squeaks and from the stall, Ling says sorry…I'm sorry.