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13681368 views22 comments00 favs

You surprised me then, / climbing onto my finger: / climbing into my heart. / Your long, cobalt body felt weightless on my hand.

Suburban Snomance

13681368 views77 comments77 favs

rump-a-rump, bat-a-tat, barumpabumbum

'With All Due Respect . . . '

13681368 views00 comments00 favs

Our deepest, most heartfelt apologies about the recent MySpace Bulletin, which mentioned your name and recent film and quoted you in jest. Your fifteen-page retalitory riposte was received by this office this morning, via fax sent by your assistant.

Summer Waters

13681368 views1313 comments88 favs

A lifeboat came by in the night, And I finally saw we were sinking.


13681368 views55 comments55 favs

i flew


13681368 views22 comments22 favs

Forty years is a very long time to live with someone.Ellen stood motionless at the curtainless kitchen window, staring at the autumnal woods, looking for signs of the various animals that frequented her property. She had done this every morning and every evening since Jim…

The Bird

13681368 views1515 comments1313 favs

We lived on the edge of a tiny Iowa town, and picked corn fields were steps away.

Down on the Pharm

13681368 views00 comments00 favs

I found my patch by accident whilst out picking medicinals ta cover a load o' dead constrictors. I tested the patch in the traditional way an' got a bit stoned on jes' a nibble o' a fresh sprout. Course, everyone knows the sprouts 're more concentrated t

Lending Books

13671367 views1414 comments99 favs

In the late 60’s, I lived on West 71st street in Manhattan and borrowed books from a store.

At the Jennifer Aniston Intensive Haircare Clinic

13671367 views55 comments33 favs

Hunger only makes people hungry, but bad hair can ruin your whole day.


13671367 views2525 comments2020 favs

I read my book of names. Over and over again. Our name appeared in the newspaper 254,991 times between 1896 and 1944.


13671367 views2222 comments88 favs

The eggs got badder as the cook got madder

Naming Crayons, or the Edges of Denim

13671367 views1313 comments99 favs

neon carrots and atomic tangerines

Of Cameramen and Death Squads in Tbilisi

13671367 views1313 comments1313 favs

we share somewhat the same past he was bureau chief of ABC overseas

A Deaf Man

13671367 views1111 comments44 favs

Billy had crystal blue eyes A small mouth And long hair to cover up his Hearing aids. He told me once, with his hands How he liked to submerge His head in water and yell So loud he could feel it. "I can hear myself that way," he…

Coffee Shop

13671367 views88 comments66 favs

the/ orange/ tastes/ welcome


13671367 views1212 comments1111 favs

I am sitting on our porch in the middle of the night. I can't sleep. The stars look like runway lights. Out of boredom, I reach out my hand to connect the distant dots. The tip of my finger hits…

Wet funeral

13671367 views88 comments88 favs

I know now, how she moves without verbs after you crushed her into the river.


13671367 views1919 comments88 favs

The one he liked best was a middle aged woman who didn't wear underwear. She had a terrific figure.

Arasoi Chuugi

13661366 views11 comment11 fav

"We regret the inconvenience. Due to hijack activity, we have orders to secure this flight. Please remain seated. We will be landing shortly. Thank you for your cooperation."


13661366 views1414 comments1212 favs

He says, You think too much and he grins a grin that has all of the attic keys on a wrought iron ring, on a chain.

Double Vision

13661366 views44 comments33 favs

Maybe it’s the cold that has me seeing double. My sister in Florida would probably laugh, “I told you so” as she sips her pumpkin latte in the barely-cold.


13661366 views66 comments11 fav

It doesn’t get dark for hours but Sam doesn’t know that. Mum bought extra-thick blinds for his bedroom windows.


13661366 views77 comments22 favs

In the kitchen they discovered the instruments. A flute under the sink tucked behind a rusted silver pipe. An oboe on the floor in the pantry. And a violin across the ice tray in the freezer, now dark. "Not ice," sister said, holding it up by the neck.

Baby Fish Mouth

13661366 views77 comments44 favs

“Lunge to your right,” the woman on the screen instructs. She is easily six-months pregnant but still looks fit and healthy. “Now show off your baby.” She centers herself, splays her arms, and thrusts her belly out towards us. “Lunge to the left. Now show

Mercury Unbound - 8

13661366 views99 comments55 favs

The border crossing at El Paso will soon be arriving. I'm apprehensive about Mexico, all the violence.

Cardboard Suitcase

13661366 views2222 comments1111 favs

There are no atheists or agnostics in our family.

Mom’s Blue-green Eyes

13661366 views88 comments77 favs

After school watching American Bandstand with my two best friends, all three of us lusting after Bunny Gibson who’s all of sixteen, stacked, and very fucking hot.

Didn't I always let you have one of my cigarettes?

13661366 views2222 comments1212 favs

I liked the taste in my mouth, mint and cigarettes and fresh and filthy.

Naming the Beauties

13661366 views2222 comments1414 favs

the signature of God/ consigning everything/ to the saturating energies of time.