It is certain. The roofs are hats for the houses because you wear a hat in the rain or the snow or even and sometimes especially the sun. The houses are curious. They keep their hats on at night. The downspouts for run-off water are strands of hair such as when a woman pulls her hair back and fixes it that way but lets a part hang down. These also are curious because they are white. Most women don't have white hair. The big eye windows look out to the world and watch the seasons go the way anything with staying power watches the seasons go. Some have flowers around their necks (these are gentle souls and are aesthetically pleasing) while others have replaced parts of themselves with copper this or that (accoutrements arresting and of a boastful sort). There are other things besides. I saw that small birds are bits of skin that have broken off of the houses and prance about. Some people might say that is impossible. But somehow these birds must have been borne from the houses not from anything more romantic such as the earth or the sea or the sun. As for smaller items like the ants and bees and wasps, the beetles and dizzy moths about screens and lights and such,-well they are atoms from the houses. A feral cat vexatious and matted goes round those parts. I don't know what he or she is (maybe just a feral cat), but possibly some part like an intestine or soul strand or memory gone wrong. Who is to know? Not all can be known. But the roofs are hats for houses. It is certain.
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Absolutely (it is certain) a delight.
Sweet story *. Lovely idea.
I like this very much because I feel involved in it at once and then the flow of words doesn't let go of me until after I've finished reading.
thanks Gary Gloria and Paul for reads and comments !!!
"I don't know what he or she is (maybe just a feral cat), but possibly some part like an intestine or soul strand or memory gone wrong."
What a fantastic image.
(I think this is my favorite piece of yours thus far.)
thanks much Sally
i am glad you liked it
Effective details in the writing -
"There are other things besides. I saw that small birds are bits of skin that have broken off of the houses and prance about. Some people might say that is impossible."
I like this work.
thanks Sam ! :-)
I really like this work. It's very elegant, and I happen to share the predilection for giving an illusion of sentience to inanimate objects. And the cyclicality gives it a nice sense of formalism, a bit like a less ominous version of Mervyn Peake.
What a gentle, odd, wonderful little piece of writing! I love this.*
thanks Iain and Joani for reading and comments.