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The Cook

915915 views33 comments22 favs

“She said I hurt her and my father, the both of them.” Rose patted her round belly, carried high and in front, likely a boy. “I can see that.”

Anselm Kiefer Painting, 1

861861 views33 comments11 fav

The damaged sky is not more black than your hair, Ashen tonight and floating over the land in blackened Smoke, where the furrows run with milk light Or snow, blue and white, and the world-ash floats. Your patient body sleeps and the white pain

It Takes Three Heartbeats For Me To Fall In Love

13511351 views33 comments22 favs

...and 55 words to tell you about it.

A Cormorant on Fort Point Channel

726726 views33 comments00 favs

I walk past World Shaving Headquarters, he surfaces again down where I turn to return to Summer Street and work, the daily bread and all that.

A Delicate and Ancient Art

12771277 views33 comments33 favs

He was a sushi chef, and he would spend hours in their kitchen practicing his knife skills, and the speed with which he can put that there and this in that and so on; and she would see him on the floor most mornings, still wearing that dirty, tattered ban

Things That Go Rrrrr, Crash, and Drip In The Night

896896 views33 comments11 fav

Last night, but not really night, I woke up to a huge clattering crash! I reached for my weapon (wouldn't you like to know) and jumped out of soft and cozy, holding myself in my best "I'm-not-afraid-of-you" stance.

Anise Fish and Colin behind the glass

13291329 views33 comments33 favs

“What is the sickness that you have?” Colin behind the glass wondered. “Too much world,” said Anise Fish. “We have that in common.”

Aisle Seven

10851085 views33 comments22 favs

A young boy, breathing heavily from running, stopped at her feet, barely able to speak,

As You Suspected

997997 views33 comments33 favs

Your mother was married to a Minotaur

We'll Always Have Paris

11661166 views33 comments11 fav

“Tonight’s news begins with a Stone’s Throw exclusive. Intimate friends of hotel heiress Paris Hilton have confided that the talent-starved celebrity has agreed to marry Quaker Bob, longtime spokesperson and package icon for Quaker Oats cereal.


17101710 views33 comments33 favs

Eddie Dorsett was a dumb kid. Nobody could dispute it. More than that, Eddie Dorsett was a fat, slothful, whining, shilly-shallying, phlegmatic zero of a kid, the lowest of the third-graders for certain and a prime contender for the lowest of the entire R

Intrepid Explorer

11441144 views33 comments22 favs

The Intrepid Explorer recounts his travels for the benefit of subscribers to the Magazine of the Museum of Everything

Flowing, Flown

10371037 views33 comments11 fav

Flowing, Flown In the field stands a jealous man with fifteen eyes stored inside the cuffs of well-worn khaki pants. His pockets pull with clinking dimes…

Shenanigans 3 - Appreciation

875875 views33 comments00 favs

... if he planned to install them in their bedroom she would find them more than a little distracting.


830830 views33 comments22 favs

Fire.Orange.Fire.There were orange and red fires but for the most part they were orange.Before that, I was just standing there in the dark looking at the streetlights and then past them. I was gonna try to stare into infinity and had high hopes. Due to much cloud cover,…

Speeding on the Highway at 2AM

12491249 views33 comments33 favs

I am speeding on the highway at 2AM because no one is here...

D.X. (Flag Day Challenge)

11511151 views33 comments11 fav

Today is my birthday. Well, my assembly date, anyway.

For my Unknown Love

841841 views33 comments00 favs

I still remember the old times when we were together. I wish I wouldn't have let you go. If you ever thought that we should be together, please come back.


11191119 views33 comments11 fav

He came to a spot on the edge of the strawberry fields where he liked to sit with his brother and watch the turkey buzzards circle overhead

Savings Bonds

964964 views33 comments22 favs

"May I help you?" She was beautiful.

How Bruce Became a Lover of Key Lime Pie

784784 views33 comments11 fav

He consumed the key lime pie, while wearing a lime-green sports bra.


10831083 views33 comments33 favs

he wanders the house/ crying for the hairless tomcat/ (gone for the night/ on an overnight job).

Naughty Alice -- There's No Laughter When You're Extinct

10701070 views33 comments22 favs

Does life have an expiration date Alice asked herself? One must be careful when trying to deal with a broken person; you might cut yourself on their shattered pieces. Life can be like an arrow penetrating your heart. Hard and painful to pull it out, yet i

Fugue No. 2

920920 views33 comments22 favs

Moonless sky of stars, silently flickered by bats, with constellations defined and bold. The curve of the plough matching that of your shoulder, as if it were a decoration.

The Gift Garden (Extract)

10561056 views33 comments33 favs

Now I hear a woman's voice. It sounds familiar, like I know her, but in my daze it is slightly distorted, like I am underwater and she is calling to me beneath the waves. She tells me not to be afraid. Her words are calming; they soothe away the panic and confusion. I…

The Things I've Lost

991991 views33 comments00 favs

I might have avoided all of this trouble if. . .

black crescent curved under

873873 views33 comments11 fav

I hope my blonde down still beats in your heart, and the black crescent curved under, you will remember, and I would move toward your window where my own heart lay in a dish, with the thick valley lifting. Remember, I crossed and uncrossed my legs f

Before the Fall (Pt. 2)

11181118 views33 comments11 fav

Newsome glared at the sleeping woman, slumped over the edge of the hard, metal table, her head settled comfortably into the crook of her arm. Over an hour she's been in that position, he thought. Despite the harshness of the room, the fluorescent lights,…

Five Breaths Or Less

10421042 views33 comments22 favs

She flew through the air, linen skirt billowing around her. Below, her buckled bicycle was taking a different route. Less aerodynamic than she, its trajectory was brief, crashing into the ditch. Elspeth kept on flying. Time slowed, and expanded

Robot Museum

974974 views33 comments33 favs