Alphabetical stories

V-J Day

15811581 views44 comments22 favs

August 14, 1945.Vincent had kissed a lot of girls before then - and a lot of women after. But there had never been a kiss like that one. And because of that photo apparently the whole country, damned near the whole world, thought so too.He'd tried to get her…


10471047 views55 comments33 favs

The week before she left for Costa Rica with her new lover she called me. Often, she did this. We talked for hours. What should I pack on my trip? she asked. Setting out with him …


12271227 views88 comments77 favs

I imagine you in the States, pushing stacks of work papers and our memories to the side, sense your enjoyment that you won’t see the worry of your behavior reflected in my eyes again. That you can buy and bang and be whomever you want,

Vacuum City

10351035 views11 comment00 favs

What chaos comes from / insufficiency? What else can calcify dreams?

Vague Obscenities

18931893 views2525 comments1212 favs

The next day on YouTube, 3,558,019 users watched the clip of Kate dangling next to Jay Leno's chin.

Vain Boasts and Confessions in Descending Mode

13241324 views77 comments33 favs

My, but how that girl loved to defenestrate! I shall ever be grateful for my obstinacy with never living more than a single story above ground level.


963963 views22 comments22 favs

A speech that could not have been anything but earnestly prepared, sweated out under a hot light bulb while june bugs thumped against screens, delivered to fellow graduates, relatives, a state senator, the high school principle, and faculty representatives, all seated …


711711 views44 comments22 favs



12721272 views44 comments11 fav

"His middle name is Valentine, and when asked about it, he isn't sure why."

Valentine Day

14461446 views1313 comments66 favs

Valentine Dayso excitingit means he really loves herwhat will he bringshe waitshe comes home with a hang dogexpression on his faceher valentine was leftat the gambling table

Valentine for a Homely Couple

12451245 views44 comments33 favs

It's none of my business, where Carl puts his prick. But I know one thing; Them Bohunk women go to pot quick.

Valentine query

956956 views11 comment11 fav

Did I flirt first?

Valentine's Day

12471247 views22 comments00 favs

I first met you in a February, but my best early memory is of your deep and sweaty tan. You'd been to Florida, I ran into you in the market, the sight of your tan made me hard for your pale parts. It was summer, you were dressed all in white, I invited you…

Valentine's Day: Say it with Chickens

16611661 views33 comments22 favs

Love at first sight? Not for me.

Valhalla After Dark

11991199 views22 comments00 favs

In traffic I cry bloody murder, but my bloodlust subsides once I'm in Valhalla. Chip Whitehead wants to see me on the 22nd floor before I start my shift. Charlie and the other suits have been looking at me funny since I sent Chip a memo suggesting the recession…

Valley Rugstore

18341834 views1414 comments33 favs

He hunched low and forward on his bike, his 14-year old self, flying down the dusty back roads of this Great Midwestern Land, his head full of the smell of the algebraic girl he sat behind in math class just hours ago.

Vampires Suck

11601160 views00 comments00 favs

The little clapboard church sits stiffly in the sun. It's steeple marking time with it's shadow on the sidewalk. It is the last place most people would think to look for a vampire, but I am sure that one is in there. Contrary to popular opinion, there

van Gogh's chair. van Gogh

10061006 views22 comments00 favs

Finally he painted his own chair, maybe because no one would sit for him anymore (after he cut off a piece of his own ear.) The chair centered and framed so that one leg of it reached down to the bottom of the painting, seeming to be skewed a little, ou

Van Gogh's Peach Tree

19261926 views77 comments22 favs

There is a boy. The boy is standing in front of a munificent peach tree in all the splendor and atrophy of his afternoon existing. Shadows? Yes. There are midday shadows, hiding and seeking, long and greyish to offset the bright reds and violets and orang

Van Gogh: Sidewalk Cafe at Night

11741174 views22 comments00 favs

The heart of those stars is a dab of yellow light. The darkness of the blue night appears so deep because the downward strokes of the actual sky are interspersed with a violet that’s almost black,

Van Gogh’s Ear

569569 views66 comments66 favs

A drunken evening, both men soused and twitchy. An argument ensues with Yellow House roommate Paul Gauguin. The two dissing each other’s work like clicking beetles

Vanishing Point

11801180 views1212 comments88 favs

the two become one where/ all things end,

Vanishing Vapors with Mister Van Gogh

996996 views77 comments77 favs

These clouds are what I havewith me. Their language is minebut it is drying today aswe speak. I catch the darkeningsparks, but that's not to beyour concern. I am sure youshall go on. What I wantis to deliver your song. Idoubt it is for anybody else.Clouds are good at…


171171 views2121 comments2020 favs


Vanity Among Pigeons

887887 views33 comments22 favs

About four in the afternoon a pigeon began admiring itself in the shiny panel of a car door until another pigeon came along and it quit acting foolish.


22232223 views3030 comments1919 favs

That spring the war still moved north but we did not go to it any longer.

Variation on a Variation of a Mode

16021602 views2727 comments1212 favs

Borges must be so proud somewhere

Variations on a Theme by Pina Bausch

972972 views2020 comments1919 favs

Threads of sadness in the hands, in the touch

various verses

11941194 views77 comments66 favs

in a willow garden lush shade/drapes dark the young woman's small house/with the lone window, the white door . . .

Various War Stories

10731073 views99 comments88 favs

War Stories #1The Germans didn't like that theJews had such beautiful women.War Stories#2There must have been a war between the good witches and the bad witches. It's the only thing that would account for such troubling times.Woman With Yellow HatWhy did…