957 8 5
I do that now. And I shiver. My mom's eyes don't seem to have any expression. They look lifeless. Her eyes look...
Stop it, Alison, I tell myself. You're being stupid.
1360 8 8
If I saw a little old man out there, a fellow with a hunched up back, I shouldn't be afraid.
1228 8 5
In the diffuse light of early morning you wear a sweat suit maybe and stand in front of a model-kitchen counter in a model-home kitchen
1097 7 8
1405 22 10
Mabel constructed the quintessential boundary. She carefully boiled down her pots and pans, her jewelry, her copper kettle, and the foils from forty six bottles of white pear cider into a silky metallic stew. Mable smeared the mixture onto a burlap…
1677 6 1
At dinner in Marrakech, Namid danced on the table, waving a white napkin, propelled by jetlag and poor judgment.
1421 8 3
I was making good bread as a New York studio musician and jingle writer, anonymous back-room jobs.
1625 17 13
No fear of that, / he assured her,
1267 12 10
When his wife left him, a friend told him that resentments were like canceled checks. You weren't going to get your money back.
1275 0 0
Tadd Dameron once described himself as “the most misplaced musician in the business,” and one needn’t call the missing persons bureau to determine that he may have been right.
1443 17 4
It was in the spring of 1958 when I first arrived in Kobe, Japan, traveling aboard a Norwegian merchant ship, looking to make movies on a limited budget. Superior quality cameras, lenses, and film were being produced in Japan at a fraction of the cost for similar products…
1443 4 1
My motivation as a filmmaker for traveling to Japan was economic and opportunistic. American military occupation had accelerated westernization and, when Japan regained its sovereignty in 1952, their economy was rapidly expanding. Led by manufacturing and export of items…
1449 8 2
The depth of her love for Briana could only be heard on the 80’s ballads station fumbling from the stereo in Madi’s car, awkward, just like her smile.
1095 2 1
I call beauty to me
With the architecture
Of this place
Beauty that has no doubt
Been pulled to me
All its life
1429 25 20
I read my book of names. Over and over again. Our name appeared in the newspaper 254,991 times between 1896 and 1944.
1162 5 3
Magdalena followed the receding tide, her tiny feet leaving no rumors in the hard sand. She gathered only the most beautiful shells and presented them to her waiting Abuela. Her grandmother told her that the only things that a woman truly owns are her dreams. She told her…
1027 1 1
That night Magdalene dreamt about Jesus.
1072 0 0
But she didn't. It would have been no historical anomaly if she had, by the way. She played with the world like it was a toy. Sometimes I wondered if I'd wake up in a box, a victim of live internment, and scream only to be humiliated later by her laughter
1283 0 0
Tonight was no remarkable night. The sun rose and set without question, children’s hearts broke with truth, around the world millions of people lost someone they cared about, millions people fell in love. It was an average day—it was unremarkable. It w
1714 26 10
maggots are small minutes in the trash i saw them
5018 5 3
This is what magic feels like. Excitement. Clarity. Danger. Justice.
1260 6 1
77 3 2
We shared a bedroom, my sister and I, all our lives through high school. This was unfortunate, as she was extremely neat and I, two years older, was extremely messy. In my defense, I was extremely clean and she was not. There is a…
1094 1 1
We may sniff a gush of something
in the rush of heat round a petrol bomb.
Or reap a gift from the
cracked head of a hero.
1140 11 7
... his skin glistened
like a sharp blade
1939 0 1
I retrieved the book from the middle of the room and set it in front of her. "Look," I said. "If we open the book up again at the beginning, Charlotte's alive. She'll always be alive in the book."
1325 4 3
The scaffolding had been difficult to construct. The rock floor of the bluff offered no purchase, so he'd been forced to anchor braces to the trees behind, then span some thirty feet. A cantilevered gallows reached another fifteen feet past the stage...
2078 20 15
Arriving at the pier I see a sailboat in dead wind.
"That is pathos," Magritte says,
pointing to a barnacle.
1257 2 0
Some people hate Waikiki. Not me. Most hotels had lounges with live music, either inside or around the pool. Evenings were spent bar hopping up and down the strip, Kalakaua Avenue. The bars stayed open till 4:00 a.m. It was safe to walk…
191 2 1
he strides with noble purposefulness along the crazy paving