In the diffuse light of early morning you wear a sweat suit maybe and stand in front of a model-kitchen counter in a model-home kitchen looking through the smell of coffee and an array of windows with a particular expression of longing like the elusiveness that you have been searching for has been condensed onto a someplace just beyond your field of vision, a someplace that is close but you can't see it so that, when I walk up behind you and wrap my arms around your stomach, my hand finding a gap in the fabric and moving laterally lightly touching while pulling you toward me and running the tip of my nose from the bottom of your ear along your neck and with the change of electrical flows the air flowers possibilities that could transform a corner or a counter, you sigh a little and lean back into what is now a hiding place made from intimacies and for a while we balance there, you and I.
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Part of a new series of 16 little stories so far, each adding predicates to the letter M.
The whole thing so far is here:
in reverse order of course because, well, it's a blog.
I think the sequence is fun and that the pieces work well in a row. This one maybe stands by itself too. Enjoy
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" sigh a little and lean back into what is now a hiding place made from intimacies and for a while we balance there, you and I."
a single sentence wonder *
Wonderful capture of a tender moment. Great choice of setting. All implications. Shows you what can be done with a micro. *
Lovely. Everything moves so gracefully to "you sigh a little". Big FAVE.
thanks very much for the reads and lovely comments. this has been a very interesting series to make so far. i wasn't sure if the elements were free-standing or not. so i'm pleased that you like.
there seems a connection between the kind of sexuality that the series is exploring and this kind of sentences too. i like this one because i think the whole piece balances on top of the "for a while we balance there, you and i"...
The structure works very well, Stephen. This flows, has such an easy crawl to it. *
Love the one-sentenceness about this. And the sentences has such nice rhythms. *
thanks very much for the reads and comments. i'm pleased that you enjoyed the piece.
i think i finished the series at 21. not sure, but i think so.