by Meg Worden
Mabel constructed the quintessential boundary. She carefully boiled down her pots and pans, her jewelry, her copper kettle, and the foils from forty six bottles of white pear cider into a silky metallic stew. Mable smeared the mixture onto a burlap dressform - size six and three halves - with the back of a soup ladle till it was good and settled, aerated it with knitting needles and rubbed it with her dead mother's apron till it glistened like the backside of a pufferfish. Mabel aimed to produce a strength and beauty that she hoped would distract and quite literally devastate the insincere.
“I really hope this has the strength and beauty to devastate the insincere,” Mable says to her cat who courts the commotion from atop the fridgedaire.
“Prrrrowl.” Says Toulouse.
So Mable went to work, first undressing and then wrangling her body, it's many curves and angles into her newest, armored creation - a dark and tender solitude finally within her grasp.
Fully suited, Mable leans in toward her reflection in the kitchen window. She rests her iron elbow on the sidebar and uses her finger and thumb to sprinkle short slivers of tobacco into a paper. It smells distincty like sweet pepper, goat cheese and melons.
“Prrrrowl.” Says Toulouse, blinking and blinking again.
Mable's fingers deftly spin the mix into a cigarette and she grins a steel-sword sort of grin at the teflon cat while holding a match to the stove. Mable sighs when it ignites and Toulouse sits back and purrs, his tabby tail moving on and off of the refrigerator magnet that says “What are you really hungry for?”
What kind of boyfriend gives a refrigerator magnet as a gift, she thinks, holding the flame to the tip of her cigarette and pulling the smoke into her golden lungs.
Mable regards her reflection again, admiring the shocking shards of metal that protrude from her breast in a harmonious pattern, a visual representation of the tumbling humor of Balzac, the exquisite geometrics of a perfectly authentic cadence.
“I won't be fooled again, Toulouse.” She says, letting slick silver smoke rings curl from her lips.
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370 words
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The title and idea came from a strange greeting card I was given. An illustrated woman stares from the card, dressed in a sculpted metal contraption. She looked so relieved with that armor between her and the world, I just had to know where she got the thing.
So the only things I may change are the "Meows" and I would end the piece sooner, after "slick silver smoke rings curl from her lips" which is a remarkable ending. I don't need the ominous eyes.
I wrote a piece about a a cat and I wanted to have the cat speak cat talk so I had him say "rowel, rowel.." Just because it never sounds like MEOW at least to me.
Ay, thanks, Meg.
Really appreciate your edits...and that you take the time to share them. You are aces, Sister.
Meg's right, and now I know what Cats are really saying. I also liked the way this piece keeps tripping one's expectations and the wonderfully imagined construction of the love-proofing.
harsh mable straddling the boundary she has constructed herself. balzac's tumbling humor! enjoyed.
just read the author's note: nice!
David, thank you. Yes, Meg is right. Cat's say so much more than meow.
Glad you enjoyed it, Marcus. Yes, our poor Mable is dying to be taken seriously. I'm not sure she has realized yet how she has imprisoned herself. She seems too busy enjoying her new sense of harshness.
I love Mable. I love her suit, her more-than-practical-yet-totally-bizarre approach to a problem. I love the fantastical way this is done, the little diamonds of expression like,"...steel-sword sort of grin.." and "rubbed it with her dead mother's apron till it glistened like the backside of a pufferfish." Genius.
This is one of the finest, most original fictions I have ever read. Fave.
Such nice comments, James. Thanks so much for reading. You made my day.
So wild and quirky and inspirational, like Mabel. Read twice, and will read again, such wonderful twists and turns. Too many fave lines to mention just one. Love the source of inspiration. Peace *
What a story. Love this. *
Love Mabel's determination and her creative approach, and the writing is amazing. *
Thanks a mil, JP.
Thanks for reading, Kim. So glad you like Mabel.
Oh, Lordy, I know this woman! Don't tell her where I am. Please, please! Faveroo.
Faveroo! Jack, you are hilarious.
Love this story – a seething molten mass of absurd humor! Mabel wins the award for most memorable character I have thus far encountered on Fnaut. *.
Hooray! Thanks, Frank. I think Mabel would be beside herself with an award!
Mabel is definitely tripping, this is bizarre, poetic and funny, and she seems to get her revenge. What more can a gal ask for?
Susan! Thanks so much for reading and commenting. Mabel is all aflutter with your praise.
A joy to read - inventive, funny - delightful :)
Thanks Marcelle!