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Assiduity Twenty Two

13621362 views1212 comments88 favs

Warning: reader beware, there's sex in the air.


15001500 views99 comments88 favs

The stand is designed to clasp two guitars, one on either side. She cradles an Ovation in her arms, a guitar variety our high school friends used to call a soup bowl. In the stand is an acoustic-electric hybrid that I toyed with for ten…

The Zilch Belches Out Its Own National Anthem To the Trendy Crowds

17351735 views2525 comments55 favs

" Not a day goes by/ that isn't stabbed with common sorrow"--Maurice Manning Crazy's alright by me if it's a harmless plea for some little sanity, or unavoidable by birth but it just won't do for tricks. Like say I go over there right…

More Abandoned Sentences

16931693 views2323 comments77 favs

By morning it was over. I crawled farther out onto the ledge. The three year old was screaming like Donald Duck. Trains ran into the night. Several pigs entered the open window.

Capital Offense

10801080 views88 comments99 favs

They can’t exterminate the poor just yet

The Highwayman Teaches Me About Sex and Death

16661666 views1010 comments88 favs

hooves moon dark latch eyes rope / Bess the landlord's daughter, the landlord's blackeyed daughter / gun breasts dress shame shouts blood blood blood

Yeah, yeah, it takes two

15691569 views1010 comments66 favs

I'm rushing from the office, wanting to catch the 6.05, skittering down grey, commuter-laden streets, and I turn into the plaza and see the stupid fucking dancing couple. They are usually only there Fridays and weekends, catching the tourists on their way into Covent…


10371037 views1313 comments88 favs

inside i know my heart rattles cause outside i'm only seeing that the truth is in tatters

The poet. Pt. 3

13551355 views99 comments88 favs

I think I remember now why people write poetry.


12991299 views99 comments88 favs

Bert also said that somebody else at the meeting was complaining about his high blood pressure, and Bert repeated what Hank had said, that he was glad to have any blood pressure at all.

Lucky Strike

15411541 views1414 comments88 favs

I like the smoke going in but I like it even more when it's coming out

Out the Window

12061206 views1212 comments88 favs

she lifted and threw her legs out the open side front window of the speeding auto


16751675 views1818 comments77 favs

This is the only time she feels she can be herself.

Meditation on a Pomegranate

174174 views1010 comments88 favs



13111311 views55 comments77 favs

My grandmother didn't like fireworks much. She said they reminded her of the raids during the war, when everybody stayed in the tube tunnels at night, going in buckets and curling up on the tracks.

Balloon Seller

12661266 views1414 comments88 favs

...painted by my mother with meticulous attention...


12851285 views1414 comments77 favs

patience is....


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BECAUSE to fuck is an incidental REASON to be here


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--small chin, timid mouth, frail nose, weak narrow-set eyes--

Mercy Mercy Mercy

12941294 views1717 comments88 favs

When I was young and self-born in religion my aunts, uninterested in being washed in the Blood of Christ, called me Preacher Boy. I didn't pay them any attention. It was fine by me, I said, if they wanted to sit around and paint their toenails . . .

This Is Who I Am

14971497 views99 comments99 favs

I'm not interested in her that way.

The Perfect Recipe

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You treat them like I’m hungry. Fix it.


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At the conference her boss showed off his knowledge of wines.

Father Dunne's School for Wayward Boys #10

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I'm standing on a toilet, trapped behind a stall. Watching Father U mop up the blood.

Mercury Unbound - 4

15721572 views2020 comments88 favs

The music, Antonín Dvořák's 'New World Symphony,' the second movement, 'Largo,' immediately alters my mood.

Lule of Raw

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A discussion at the homeless colony under the expressway overpass crossing the river:

Dear Joe,

16171617 views88 comments77 favs

Walk alone at night, quietly. Pause for eye contact with raccoons and night cats, your drunk self, and lights in the graveyard. Don't apologize for it in the morning. Instead of the shame you feel for one time acting selfishly and chasing a future, say…

If The Fire Is Not In Your Apartment

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If you get crushed in New York City that's your own problem.

The Year of the Horse

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“She's the year of the horse,” Metri said as he peeled his dirty head from the bed, his hair was as matted as a racoon tale. It was as wild as a wild animal and smelled like body odor with a hint of blood. He slid his scabbed hands up to his chest as if to…

It's A Different World When You Walk With A Cane

16731673 views1010 comments77 favs

People do want to be kind. It's just that sometimes they need a little push (or, in a few cases, a big fat shove) in the right direction.