"This ain't no democracy, it's a republic."
"It's a constitutional republic based on the rule of laws enacted by democratically elected representatives of the people."
"Except they don't represent the people no more."
"Corporations are people."
"Corporations are multinational people. Giving corporations personhood gives foreigners a say in our government. Foreign money can now control our elections."
"If that's where politicians get most of their money, who do you think they're gonna represent?"
"We need to change the Supreme Court decision, Citizens United versus Federal Election Commission, which gives corporations the First Amendment right to spend as much as they want to influence presidential and congressional elections."
"How do we do that?"
"We occupy the river bank."
"Who gives a shit?"
"Don't think like that. There is a place for you in this. They're setting up a big army tent in the park downtown specifically for the homeless. They've asked me to head the organizing committee."
"Who made you a leader around here?"
"Yeah, we ain't got leaders."
"The tent will fill up quickly. I came back down here to offer you guys a chance to get in while there's still room. The weather is getting might cold."
"If this is some kind of insider information we're not interested in your corrupting influence."
"Somebody has to be the first to know."
"Who gave you the right to choose who?"
"Listen, the cops are planning to come down here and drive you guys out. They want to clean up this spot. Too many people can see it from the expressway and they find it offensive."
"What about the tent downtown, aren't they going to find that offensive, too?"
"It's two different issues. We've been welcomed into the occupy family. I think we should join them and offer our full support."
"Hey, man, I'm an alcoholic. Why can't you just leave me alone and let me drink myself to death here in the woods by the river?"
"Hey, man, this is what you've been talking about happening since the seventies. It's here. It's time. Let's roll."
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365 words
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Actually, it's an oligarchy. My hat's off to the "Occupy" folks for pointing this out. Keep on keeping on, J. Mykell. *
Like this much.*
good dialogue * thanks for coming
Oligarchy, I like that word. I wish it meant something else besides government by the few, for the few, leading to absolute power and absolute corruption, becoming the fertile soil of revolution.
Hat's off to the "Occupy" folks, yes. So far, so good, in such a short time. What's next? Election reform? Honest candidates?
Hi, JP. I thank you very much. I'm still thinking about your story, 'Trading Manhattan for Bentonville,' which I read hear earlier today: masterfully written.
James, thanks for having me. I hope the Occupy Earth group here continues to grow along with the movement.
This is great, J. Fantastic voices here. Been away from Fictionut for way too long. Reading this was a nice re-introduction.
Hi, Isabell. Thanks. Good to see you here. Looking forward to reading more of your great writing. I may have missed one. I thought I saw your name when I skimmed the board and then when I found enough time to go back and read, it was gone. Or maybe I'm just imagining things.
Nice rhythm and voice, J Mykell.
I love the dialogue. Lots to think about
Hi, Sam. Thanks. I appreciate.
I thought about adding more descriptive narrative but I couldn't get a word in edgewise.
Hi, Foster. Thanks. Lots to think about, yes, on this Veterans Day, 11-11-11. There are so many homeless people, including veterans, while rich multinational corporations get tax breaks so they can add to their record profits and CEO bonuses.
Citizens of humanity, expressing their artistic inclinations locally and globally, simultaneously, through technology.
I hope it stays non-violent. Including the police. That confrontation should end immediately. The one percent at the top who are pulling the strings of law enforcement and the military must back off and allow the protest to become a constructive reorganizing force in the political arena, completely overhauling both the Republican and Democratic parties through campaign finance reform.
Sadly true. Many protestors know only they are hungry, cold or sick. They do not have the tools to change the world.
History says for the weak to move the strong there is only one lever, and it is frightening.
"Hey, man, I'm an alcoholic. Why can't you just leave me alone and let me drink myself to death here in the woods by the river?"
Great moment!
Love dialogue stories.
(You don't need the intro sentence. That info comes out in the dialogue. Jump right in!)
Very sharp, tightly written piece, John. Love how you let the dialogue carry the story and every line does some heavy lifting. Well done. *
Hi, Larry. Yes, judging from history, it's frightening, including recent history. Hopefully, there is strtength in numbers, along with instant global awareness of events through the Internet.
Hi, Bill. The intro sentence?
"A discussion at the homeless colony under the expressway overpass crossing the river"
I don't need it, you say, the info comes out in the dialogue. Jump right in!
Okay, I'll try that.
Hi, Kathy. Yeah, I love it when the words write themselves as happened here. It's almost too obvious. But narrative would only obscure it.