are you like the rest of us and you disagree with war yes i said i disagree with war and he said only one man agrees with war but he won t go to the war
The next time I see you, I’m going to pretend you’re a stranger, and that I’m meeting you for the first time.
These days I wear a flag pin.
The dog awakens at the sound of a petal falling, sure that barbarians are at the gate. She opens wide her yellow teeth.
I ran into Tanya at “Pearl's” — maybe it was still called “Big Balls” — over in the Stockyards (Ft. Worth) in '72 and right up front we both admitted to loving honky-tonks and “done me wrong” songs which is why we were there…
his perfect ivory
voice telling me
i brush too hard.
…as if he cared
Through feeling her life story,
I understood mine, more,
The manic,/
looking on, finds and polishes//
the sharp green shard and bottle cap
The story goes that the night before I was born my dad had a terrible headache.
Its colour a spectral silver shimmered in the pale afternoon sunlight which glinted on its small red and blue insignia so far from home. The landing stage of the unmanned Viking spacecraft had broken away from the main section on schedule before starting its descent through…
People usually take fonts for granted.
"I remember thinking, 'Good.'
I took a left, it's less safe
The bathroom faucet is leaking again. Do they make diapers for faucets?
His knife enters the Maui onion. He minces garlic and applies heat to pan and melts sweet cream butter and browns the garlic first and then he adds the onion and more heat, but it's time that will surely caramelize them. Salt and pepper and splashes of wine for the pan and…
Unapproachable... for all that.
I fondly remember those warm, weekend evenings at twilight on the beach. After the frolic of the waves flattened, sending the surfers home and, after the last bait was spent, sending the surfcasters away, I'd set up the little, foldable, 3‘x4', rectangular stage I always…
They sat before the fire and played cribbage. He was a good player, but not as good as she was.
It’s a bitch of a day, devious. It started out calm and then those monsoon showers hit. The lads legged it back to the vans for a bit of a warm sup. He was going to follow them. The rain machine-gunned the window.
A dark girl, quite poor, maybe three, maybe four, leaned on a statue of a horse and his man. (The rider rode him in place, but as if in a race.) Her dress needed patching, her heart needed smoothing. She'd tried to sell…
i hear the boom boom boom
in the room room room
Gorgonzola. It's what she was to bring this time. Plumtree's potted meat. What it was last time.
When Kat returned home from The East Street Wars, she learned that her epileptic lover, White Dog, died from madness
but most times/
it’s just improvisation//
with phrases of unknown origin/
swirling in my head
It is pain taking a form, Plato’s dream, born from your hands father that rejected me, giving me the color of abandonment, eyes dulled by isolation, a body deceased without life-giving touch.
The wind has no voice
and yet we listen,
perhaps imagining the ramblings
of a mad man
Here’s how you do it. First you get a ladder, a long one.
We are the same shits/
we were in the Bronze Age
I heard a voice. It was calling me as from a far-off cloud. I listened, holding my breath, and heard it again, though fading away, barely audible. If I hadn't known my name I wouldn't have decrypted it. Three hazy syllables clearly detached with a sigh between each of them.…