by Darryl Price
in time there is nothing more important for me
to write than this line. It isn't
defined in the way you'd like
perhaps, but it doesn't matter
because it will be true, and you
will be true, and I will be the
message you get. Some signal has
crossed through time and space and so here
we are—put together by those
radio waves for a second
and able to mutter a few
sounds face to face, but it won't last.
And if you say that is alright
I will believe you. And if you
say it is enough I will take
that to mean you accept the terms
of its deliverance as suitable
even if not wholly
acceptable in finer terms
of meaning, such as love. Yes I
know what the search is for. All beings
have that compass in their souls.
We are by nature drawn to the
feel. But I cannot bridge this gap
for too long. Eventually It will
have to have motion or
its possibilities instead
of being endless will simply
blank out. That I cannot tolerate
for you. You have my undying
affection, and that is the
whole energy expended here
and everywhere I go. I will
always see you and hear you and
want you to be glad. And now we
must say goodbye as if that means
nothing. Until then let these words
come close enough to be shared by
only you, you are and always
will be at my deepest core. Bye now.
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There is a time to stop all the nonsense, a time within the time. In that instance we are face to face at last, and we are finally ready to hear what must be said. It is a profound moment where we meet in ways we can only imagine before our paths, our colliding energies, swirl us apart again. But no matter how many times we are graced with each other's presence, it is still a welcome blessing and a surprising joy to me.
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It's been a while since I've had the pleasure of reading your work here *
Love those line breaks...
I'm always interested in something different. Here, I note the title being a part of the poem or maybe the poem being part of the title. I like it. Thank You.
Beautiful and moving *
Good poem, DP. I like.
"Yes I
know what the search is for."
Very moved by this poem. *
"We are by nature drawn to the / light." And we're drawn by our shadows. *
This is everything I've been trying to write.*
The tenderness of this poem is very touching.*
Another outstanding poem, Darryl.
Seamlessly great.
I felt what Brenda felt.*