come out now
never mind this February nonsense
seeing your shadow, ugh
what do you live on all year
when you are hibernating?
do you eat wood, or dirt,
are you the same hog who
pops his head out of
that hole for the past century
how do you make little hogs
in that hole
let us in on your secret
you coward
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I can relate to this, and the excellent way in which you write it, having had similar thoughts about woodchucks or grounhogs, of which there are many in my neck of the woods, and I've been seeing them on a daily basis until recently.
glad you could relate Mykell, but how come you aren't seeing them now?
Thanks for the read, and the fav
This is so adorable in the use of the voice and the dramatic little nosey quality about the animal's "personal life"..
Loved it!
thanks Susan, yes, some animals have very personal lives
Estelle, just because you live in Iceland, don't take it out on the critters. Shame on you! Ho ho ho.
I like the voice, Estelle.
Jack, I'll try not to be too hard on the critters, ok? yes, shame on me-----
Sam, thanks for liking the voice./
Hahaha! Love the playfulness of this, Estelle.*
Feisty! *
glad you liked that it was playful JP. Thanks.
Beate, think I may be gettig too feisty in my old age? Thank you both for the favs.
that last paragraph is brilliant. there's something dark about this poem underneath all the playfulness which I like, very nice.
Shelagh, so glad you liked the last paragraph, and that you aren't sure it is playful.
I love this, Ms. Estelle. It's forceful, strong, direct - thoughts straight from the mind with no buffers. *
Fun, playful, the nosy wonders of nature...I live in the woods, often feel like it is "theirs," not "ours," and the lines are so blurred between how invasive I can be, and how dare you come into our world!
Robert, what fun that you live in the woods. Talk to those buggers about popping up their heads and seeing whatever it is they see or don't see to make this cold go away.
Thanks for the comment and the fav.