1928 12 6
Opposite the foothills, on the field's southern edge, was a stand of old eucalyptus trees, each one a gnarled sentry with bark like burnt skin peeling from its trunk.
1975 3 7
Their wedding gift to us was a night out with them and tonight was the night. But, you see, Rali and Kate had so much more to offer us than we could ever think to register for. They were giving us an exclusive guide on how to live as an up and coming coup
848 17 9
When I came back home, after coming down with polio, everything had changed for me. I'd been gone for forty-five long days and nights. But it was Halloween, a time very nearly sacred for children in the Midwest, and it brought out the charity of the who
1471 15 8
Being simple like this, knowing a thing is done by doing.
1095 10 10
I told her I didn't love her. She said love wasn't important; she wanted to marry a man she could respect.
1588 14 8
The rain is no terrible epitaph
1724 23 8
To be honest, I've always wanted to be black
1184 21 9
Polite society will cheer/
as another body is discovered//
and disposed of. The cheers/
will drown out the gasps
1399 13 10
I see my siblings once a year when we all show up, as if required by law, to eat Thanksgiving dinner. It is apparent with every bite how much they hate each other.
2024 12 9
We two have this entire lifetime left, so let's waste it . . . .
1178 22 10
Something about her eyes...
894 19 9
A bedridden ward of the state,/
warehoused in a nursing home,/
unable to drive to the liquor store/
for whiskey and cigarettes,
1881 20 9
Eighteen-layered canvases were prized by both of them, regardless of whose work appeared on top.
1862 20 9
Something about the Garden of Eden. That it isn't really a garden, and I'm not even sure what Eden means.
1406 11 10
Some of them are notorious tweakers. Nobody epitomizes the cowboy-outlaw biker more than the ironworkers, who are wired on Black Beauties they sell on breaks.
1317 19 9
I screwed my courage to the sticking point and asked him if he had shot down any Japanese airplanes. He grinned at me. “One,” he said.
1284 12 10
Poor kid. She didn't mean to leave my business card on her kitchen counter next to the telephone. It was a mistake.
156 23 8
1309 24 8
On finding out that gonads are part of the female anatomy as well.
145 14 9
Dear Friends: Thank you for all your newsy newsletters bragging about your children's accomplishments and your exotic travels this year. We, too, have had a wonderful year. Our son, Rick, was arrested for possession of cocaine but…
1221 14 10
Warning: some of this is true, some of this is not.
1571 15 10
. . . quit being so rigid, open up to the pasta.
1308 15 10
I tell my woman friend the new man's penis is too large. I tell her once. She asks me later whether I asked about it at the doctor's—large cock, she calls it, and I say I told the doctor my boyfriend's in a wheelchair.
876 12 9
It takes strength to know when not to be strong.
1071 11 10
Back then we used to dance slowly to Sam Cooke's “You Send Me” on your parquet floors, whispering about planting our vegetable garden, planning to seed the lawn with centipede grass, promising to count all the red cars that came down the street.
990 18 10
But if He makes you happy, stands/
as bulwark against the vast, indifferent/
and deadly universe, then cling to Him
1707 12 10
SeesWe fell into this lake together and traced the clean soft lines straight back to ourselves, with a carefree laugh, ha ha ha-- an embarrassing ease. This small miracle does tend to put in orbit something high flying besides clouds into the sky inside of…
1527 13 8
There is a price. It's on the back. If you turn it around you'll see. It isn't expensive. Everything's okay.
1114 13 9
The line weights are spot on/
and the snap of lines is textbook/
for a discipline that died with AutoCad
1391 5 3
My sweet baby angel has baby hair Baby angel has a golden cross lit looking at the crystal pig and kind mare The drowning unicorn comes from the waves in fits. My sweet baby angel has baby talkBaby angel has a diamond shape scarburied heart shaped…