by Jill Chan
We are relieved.
We are laughing once again.
My body seems to go about its business
of finding it where we want it.
Here, out of the way
of complicated thinking.
Being simple like this,
knowing a thing is done by doing.
We leave what we reached after
before we could be
left alone with our wanting,
now still only ours, will be ours
until we have
lived and lived
in our loneliness
nothing could die
but some dark
we never caught.
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82 words
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Previously published in Altered Scale (full poem) and Metazen.
This is just one section of the long poem "What To Believe," now collected in the following free e-book:
Thank you.
The last two stanzas ... Strange and nice.
The "we" pulls in the reader. Also, "some dark / we never caught" is a strong way to close. Good poem, Jill.
I do miss Metazen.
Some great lines here, the last two, my favorite. ***
Yes. *
"nothing could die
but some dark
we never caught."
Strong end.
those last four stanzas are stunning! *
People think of loneliness as something negative but I rather enjoy it.
Yes, as Arturo said,the last four stanzas.
And the first half is intriguing.
"My body seems to go about its business
of finding it where we want it."
Thank you Erika, Sam, Rachna, Dave, Gary, Bill, Arturo, Samuel, and Ray. Much appreciated.
Sam, I miss Metazen, too. Great zine.
Samuel, loneliness really inspires me.
What Bill said.
I feel the breath of the Buddha reading this. Lovely and true.
Thank you, Kitty, and Mathew. Glad you guys liked this.
Mathew, that's quite a compliment. :)
Very fine, moving piece. I like the imperative of the title as lead-in to the poem.
Thank you, Ed! My titles are usually one-word. Don't know what happened here. I like what you said there. :)