Matt: It worked. Strange that the program wouldn't save the indent & tab edits but had no problems with the humble space. This is a strange world, the Fictionaut world...
I don't agree. Female gonads are ovaries and are totally appreciated especially in this era of infertility. So what if they are undescended? It protects them.
Gloria, thanks for commenting. Ovaries are rather spectacular things. And now they think ovaries continue to produce eggs even in adulthood. Go, ovaries.
Also, with ovarian problems getting so common, it seems weird, like celebrating Breast Day instead of Breast Cancer Day. So many people have had ovaries removed. Ancient fertility statues throughout history I suppose celebrated ovaries and breasts. But the issue of fertility is so painful for so many people.
Until now.
I absolutely disagree.
(with the last two lines...)
Carol: LOL!
Matt: Prove me wrong, baby, prove me wrong!
working on the last two . . . *
go mad
for go-nads
A powerful piece, JA. Devastating in its direct force.
OMG, you guys are all making me laugh!!! So great.
"Matt: Prove me wrong, baby, prove me wrong!"
Properly center your poem
and we'll talk...
Matt: Is that your male gonads talking? ;)
just the obsessive one...(left, I think...)
(but seriously... move it to the right, make it look like it would appear in a magazine...)
Matt: I can never get things to format on Fictionaut. I tried to indent it, tab it, etc. What do you do?
( ((next line)) infinitum in "edit* function)
Yeah, formatting's been lost here....
Matt: It worked. Strange that the program wouldn't save the indent & tab edits but had no problems with the humble space. This is a strange world, the Fictionaut world...
I don't agree. Female gonads are ovaries and are totally appreciated especially in this era of infertility. So what if they are undescended? It protects them.
Matt is right
Gloria, thanks for commenting. Ovaries are rather spectacular things. And now they think ovaries continue to produce eggs even in adulthood. Go, ovaries.
Ah, if only they weren't so fragile, all the more reason it's good they didn't descend.
Fav to this, and Fav to ovaries.
Yay! Thanks, Jen!
I feel like we should replace one of those useless holidays like Toaster Streudel Day with Female Gonad Appreciation Day.
Frankie, that's the best suggestion I've heard all year!
I don't get it. I've always appreciated my ovaries and assumed everyone else did with fertility getting rarer. I must be really out of it.
Also, with ovarian problems getting so common, it seems weird, like celebrating Breast Day instead of Breast Cancer Day. So many people have had ovaries removed. Ancient fertility statues throughout history I suppose celebrated ovaries and breasts. But the issue of fertility is so painful for so many people.