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how it felt to learn it would rain where you were.

11881188 views55 comments33 favs

and that you once had / still sometimes sold savory pies out the side of a truck at renaissance fairs alongside your mum with her fake braid in a wrong color wrapped round her head. & you called the sky 'corrugated' or 'promising as a line of chorus g


710710 views55 comments11 fav

Molly stared at the woman behind the desk with a headset attached to her head, and sighed.

i am so fucking unsold

17351735 views55 comments44 favs

i am wire i am wiredi am soaking fucking tiredi am sorry i am coldi am so fucking unsoldi am endlessi am statici am past lost time fanatici am wounded i am seethingi am bothered angry leaving.i am metal i am wateri am sister fucking daughteri am nothing i am lazyi am…

Green Dots

538538 views44 comments44 favs

"It just makes sense to be nice to everything that lives."--Aurora AksnesLike Aurora, my favorite color is moss green. Anything else is a lie told to throw you off the scent. You will abandon her. Just like you will abandon me. Green. We were walking…

Notebook (excerpt)

10341034 views66 comments44 favs

I try as much as I can to write but only in as much as you believe―am I successful.

before i lived in the sky

989989 views55 comments22 favs

i built a house in the trees before i lived in the sky


12951295 views33 comments44 favs

My people rested naked sandwiches on the arms of chairs, and always had an open saucer with half melted butter, a block of Velveeta cheese in the freezer, an open rice cooker.

Hobos: Paris vs. San Francisco

14611461 views77 comments22 favs

French pee runs stronger, less minty. In France the world' a pissoir.


280280 views55 comments44 favs


Testament Part 3 of 6

804804 views66 comments44 favs

Against that, this testament, scratched/ with misshapen styluses, made/ from memory by unskilled hands,/ with a pallid memory of ink.


10481048 views44 comments44 favs

He'd sit or stand, as if this was common to see: in the street walking by, such a man.

from Abel, to a reproachful correspondent

10741074 views66 comments44 favs

when you betrayed the vain ambition of my death,/I did not complain.

'My Mother Was My Sister' — Rejection Letter to a Young Writer (Memoir)

13211321 views44 comments44 favs

When I was 10 or 11, some people thought that my father was my grandfather, that my brother was my father, and that my mother was my sister!


10551055 views55 comments44 favs

I am i said pursued by the feeling of being watched.You are she said -- by yourself. As in a dream, a dream you know you're dreaming. Which changes nothing.We are she said watching from the mezzanine, half-above, at once a part and apart.

A Little Peace

10641064 views99 comments33 favs

One night we were invited out for dinner, and we got into a knock-down, drag-out that afternoon. My wife got so angry I had to hold her down on the bed.

The Meaning of Salvation

957957 views66 comments44 favs

I descend to my grave / where I will unbend / until the Coming of Christ


10731073 views55 comments44 favs

I am a sunflower. I turn my yellow and black face, bruised, to the sun, hoping its light will heal me. With my eyes closed I can see my stamen, veins in my eyelids, bulbous where they intersect. The sun feeds…

I Think You Know That

629629 views44 comments33 favs

you've swallowed a whale bone and not a whole chicken. It's not about being surrounded by very nice stuff. We always thought there was much, much more than haunted walls inside cold castles. People connect the dots like collecting stamps. Things get…

Letting Go

12981298 views55 comments44 favs

Jerrod's lips and tongue were like slabs of bologna someone shook in Kirsten’s face as she hit the turn signal. Kirsten was proud of herself. She'd been taking it well and she was pretty sure her real feelings weren’t poking through.

Ah, the Trouble (Has Finally Arrived)

795795 views77 comments44 favs

with all these little battle worn pieces of history surrounding us all the time is that they don't really make up for the terrible news of just now. Those people showed us what they showed us. Good for them.We're the direct explosion of their…

Machine-Gunning Butterflies

13121312 views88 comments33 favs

I was making good bread as a New York studio musician and jingle writer, anonymous back-room jobs.

Splinter Off

11991199 views1010 comments44 favs

When we lived in the attic we were make-believe.


862862 views77 comments44 favs

I like burning lavender on glowing charcoal and dancing hard, thinking about long futures and deep moments. I want to cry and then scream and I don't feel like cleaning up. If I can keep a rhythm going long enough,I think I can build…

A New Thing

10281028 views55 comments44 favs

I am trying very hard to rhyme, and trying very hard not to.

ER Chronicles (1)

14411441 views77 comments33 favs

Thank christ for feminst theory and fat good natured shrinks and tall men who stand guard over me with real guns, real bullets.


995995 views44 comments44 favs

From the rumple of pre-dawn Queens, sure South on 95, to almost Savannah by dark; still cold, but we’re full of what’s coming:


841841 views55 comments44 favs

We sat up in bed. It's ‪two o'clock‬ in the morning. Blinding circular flashlight beams probe through the half pulled shades. Magnified black silhouettes of men's torsos lumber back and forth in the yard. We are in a fishbowl and being invaded.

Dear Andreas,

27142714 views44 comments44 favs

Dear Andreas,My mom is asking me to come home.They found you amongst the ferries, down the street from the pile of unearthed bedrock I lived on as a child. It took two months before you showed up again. You left everyone scared, running to the bridges, but there was no one.…


13441344 views66 comments44 favs

You're thinking I don't have a conscience, right? I'm asking you.

Love Story

16111611 views66 comments22 favs

You longed to rip off her butterfly wings and watch her scream in agony. You ached to carve the steel from her eyes.