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mondays get all the heat

10641064 views55 comments44 favs

when i was five or six/ we lived in an apartment/ and every sunday/ i'd lie on the carpet/ to watch squares of sunshine/ crawl across the rug/ while my mother inflicted upon us/ a centuries-long hour of television/ worse than any droning mass.

Stimulated by Miracles

990990 views55 comments44 favs

for that is righteousness / that to everyone be allowed his own choice

The Judge's Wife Part 10

10741074 views77 comments44 favs

The Judge waited for the perfect wave.

Your Horoscope

14011401 views77 comments44 favs

Sagittarius (Nov.22 – Dec. 21) Listen to the voices inside your head. They speak to you for a reason. Now is not the time for debate.

George Square

396396 views77 comments44 favs

I Buchanan Street; god strums a cheap guitar. Vaginas grow wet at clashing chords. The primitive civilised. From the city square I sense false profits, zigzag philosophies. The familiar falls…

The Human Phenom Project

987987 views44 comments55 favs

I sat at the vast graveyard of broken hearts on the mending fence of wonderment unsealing the silence of the wounds I began to put the pieces together like a puzzle against forgetting


10411041 views66 comments44 favs

She stiffens and blusters and roars Not like a storm, Not like a lion. Like a badger, caught in the steel jaws of a trap.

The Sugar

12151215 views1515 comments33 favs


The Troupe

12921292 views77 comments55 favs

A performance is a series of situations. Each situation defines the characters that are in it.

Freeze! It's the Library Police!

11751175 views55 comments44 favs

A Texas man was recently arrested for failing to return a GED study guide to his local public library. He'd kept it out for three years. This is the kind of news story that brings joy to a librarian's heart.The library where I work just installed a…

First Things Go First And End Up Being Last (the Big Enough Picture)

964964 views55 comments44 favs

I don't have to show you how to fly. I don't even know who you are still possibly trying to be in this crazy grounded world. But the words make us family. I can't help that or what you might do with that public tweet tweet…

The Voyeurism of a Free Faller

10781078 views66 comments44 favs

I wrote this piece after I told the originator of the youtube video "Mieders Alpine Coaster" by David Jellis how I felt watching it. I admitted I was a voyeur not a participant, but that his video fascinated me to the point that I needed to write ab

Soft Voices

10141014 views99 comments44 favs

soft voices singing somewhere in the black back of rising tensions crashing with the waves...


15611561 views1313 comments33 favs

I am a 33 year old drag queen, and I frequently confuse my dreams with reality. Each morning, I awake to a research project: what has actually occurred, and what was a dream? Today I woke up believing I'd lost a pound, so I weighed myself, and I was right.…


249249 views66 comments44 favs

There is coffee to the right and whiskey to the left.


159159 views66 comments44 favs


Dead Bird Uncovered by Spring

897897 views55 comments44 favs

Left by a melting snowbank: Cup lids, pine needles, a cairn of dog shit, And the grey soggy shape Of an eyeless winter bird. His breast is an old accordion Gone to rot in an old…

Sara and the Machines of Loving Grace

725725 views88 comments44 favs

I, like Sara, am the last of my kind still activated. I am a Machine of Loving Grace.

1 Mil = One-Tenth of a Cent

699699 views88 comments44 favs

Thankfully I don't have to share my Jim Beam with the cat.

The Night

13761376 views77 comments44 favs

her parents were gone they sat on the love seat side by side saying nothing the longest time

Manhattan Love Stories #5: Suicide Birds (sic)

13361336 views1212 comments44 favs

I look for the boy we met inside the club, the one who claimed he loved playing with matches, setting fire to churches. I spot him smoking a cigarette, standing so cool against the side of the club, like he might be the nephew of some Viking guitarist hun

Sri Radha Afternoons

11861186 views55 comments44 favs

We were wild, medieval magpies, sweaty and sweet and selfish; and so much more than we were before I lit that first stick of spice,

Emotion is a Weather in a Basket of Clouds

11311131 views55 comments44 favs

If you can imagine a ghost taking a shower then you can imagine the kind of emotion I have in mind.

Only Shadows

11231123 views22 comments55 favs

There is a whisper in the shadows


215215 views77 comments44 favs



550550 views33 comments33 favs

“What the hell was that? Is that your take on The Deer Hunter?”

Sax Named Pegasus

12221222 views77 comments44 favs

I was just sitting in the corner, stirring my stories with a straw that sucked characters out of bars.

The Long Walk Home

11121112 views44 comments55 favs

The last time Cyrus rode in a train’s passenger car, he came home a dead man.

Brave New World

12041204 views55 comments55 favs

awoke in confusion, fear and hurt never seen before that day a year past

Letter to Myself at Age Twenty-One

13151315 views66 comments44 favs

First off, don't worry about the marriage. It ain't gonna last. But don't worry. People will drive you nuts with that tiresome old chestnut, “there's more than one fish in the sea.” Thing is, they're right. Listen. I'm not talking salmon and sea bream…