Renee Blair

Location Columbus, OH
Occupation Health and Wellness Industry
Website http://

About Me

Utter bookworm.
I spend too much time lately thinking/talking/planning/doodling about writing than actually writing.
Considering NaNoWriMo this year to get myself back on track.
Writer of poetry, creative nonficiton, and short fiction.

Why do you write?

In Jonathan Safran Foer's "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close," Oskar says that beavers don't chew wood because they want to, but because if they didn't, their teeth would grow into their brains and kill them. It is in this way that he says he thinks and invents, and I guess it is in this way that I write.

Any favorite authors? Books?

-I think I'll always be in love with Stephen King, and I enjoy a good Dean Koontz novel thrown in there once in awhile.
-J.K. Rowling--I'm so proud of being part of the Harry Potter generation.
-Sylvia Plath
- Alan Ginsberg
-Walt Whitman
-Milton's "Paradise Lost"
-I recently read "The Ritual" by Adam Neville, and though it wasn't the best written prose I'd ever read, it thoroughly scared the hell out of me and made me think harder than a book has in a while. I highly recommend that one for anyone who likes philosophizing and thrills!

Renee Blair's Wall

D'Arcy Fallon – Mar 24, 2012

Welcome, Renee!!!!!

Robert Vaughan – Mar 24, 2012

Welcome, Renee!

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