by Jerry Ratch
There's always a poem that gets
left out in the cold,
an only child standing last in line
without a friend to hold his hand
No one knows his name
because he wasn't considered important
and maybe his name started with Z,
someone like Zimmer, or Zebra
and he had to grow garish black and white stripes
to be noticed at all
or acquire a peculiar odor maybe
like a skunk
and suddenly everyone runs
screaming from the room
and he moves up silently
to the head of the line
and eats all the sweet cakes
like the adorable, smiling little angel
he has suddenly become
as seen from a safe distance
Poems, who needs them? Maybe it was because no one
wanted them that I gave them away so freely
Maybe no one ever, in our time, really felt
they needed to have one, to stay alive
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150 words
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last poem of a book
I like this stanza:
and he had to grow garish black and white stripes
to be noticed at all
or acquire a peculiar odor maybe
like a skunk
How can you not love this? It's gorgeous.
Love the whole damn thing but these are my favorite lines:
and eats all the sweet cakes
like the adorable, smiling little angel he has suddenly become
as seen from a safe distance
Thank you Steven, Sally, Misti.
Thank you very much! (as the king used to say in Vegas.)
Nice poem Jerry.*
Thank you, Gloria!
Good poem.