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Spring Uprising

12221222 views66 comments44 favs

Some people might find it strange and a bit obsessive to mow their lawn every day, but to Shiram it was an irreplaceable part of his daily existence.

Women on Motorcycles

631631 views66 comments55 favs

Do you want this, you ask, and hand me a blue silk shirt of hers with small yellow flowers. I'm afraid to say no, in case it makes you remember all over again.

On and On

10031003 views66 comments55 favs

The world is crazy that way— two people close to me gone around the same time and I'm supposed to go on and on like those dryers and smile still and do my schoolin' still ...

Three Second Rule

12571257 views66 comments55 favs

“Can I feel it?” he reached his hands out immediately, expecting I’d say yes. I am the type to always say yes, right? “Sure.” I confirmed, swallowing back my fear of his touch. He didn’t seem himself, like this. I led his hands to my hips and let them


936936 views66 comments44 favs

It was entirely my fault, misreading signals. I have a clumsy imagination, mistook your gushing about my boobs as a soul connection. Then you said something about us being lovers in a past life, and I remembered Bobby Bubion from high school, his strategy for…

The Turkey and the Tall Tree

586586 views88 comments55 favs

The bench was set by the waterMarbleAnd dedicated to a man etched his name,the year he was born,and the year he died. She had been suffering from a dark narcolepsythat reflected off the cloudsa lightening bolt energylike a screwturn screw and wrench.Door…

Tongue / Giddy

11921192 views1515 comments44 favs

A delicate thrill buzzed my face.


10701070 views66 comments55 favs

One morning as Georgia Samantha was waking up from her girlish dreams, she found that she had been changed during the night into a stiff-spined book.

Puppet X, 1

781781 views66 comments44 favs

I know you, ladies and gentlemen We see the near future through you Your factual face as you sit indoors Youthless In your ordinary chair "Mice run through their vision Mice run through

Treatise on Some Blue Skies

702702 views44 comments55 favs

It's true, what they say, loveis the only thing thatmakes any sense. It isthe bravest thing anyof us will do. But it'simpossible, dangerous,stupid. I don't wantyou to trip into itsbeautiful trap withoutme. Like being swallowedby a fish, I'm told, yesactually I knowthere is…

Probability of Rain

907907 views55 comments55 favs



10821082 views44 comments44 favs

The bartender kept looking at himself in the mirror behind the bar. “Everyone in Hollywood is an actor,” Doc said.

The Code of Hammurabi

10581058 views55 comments55 favs

We pull up chairs. I breathe in her Bath and Body Works vanilla, read her paper slowly and aloud because the ears catch what the eyes miss. Her sentences are awkward, stilted.

The Arrow

10891089 views55 comments55 favs

"Give it to me I said, you dip! Fork it over!"

The Colored Paper that Folded Itself Into a Singing Cricket

893893 views55 comments55 favs

Sometimes the beauty just makes you want to say aaahhh. There are a lot of things floating around, so it's no wonder that some things get sadly lost, like minds,like people, like feelings. It doesn't make anything spin any less. That's what keeps us centered…

My Mistress

901901 views1010 comments44 favs

the ex now alien

How to pick up women.

11081108 views77 comments55 favs

The easiest and most legal way to pick up a woman is to take a single, writer friend with you to a bar. While there, look for the woman you are interested in. Her? Are you sure? Okay then. Next, tell your writer friend that the woman keeps looking at him when he's…

My Literary Pockets

12261226 views77 comments44 favs

I don’t know what to do with all this money flowing from my books. It’s burning a hole in my literary pocket.


11791179 views66 comments55 favs

Ivan was used to explosions, but this was high in the sky. He was on his back between tall sunflowers that grew infinitely in all directions. The blast made the flowers bow their heads. Bits of debris fell from the blue sky, some shiny, trailing fire or smoke. The boy…

Perdita in pieces

987987 views55 comments55 favs

Perdita's confusing profusion of parts makes it impossible to know which way up she goes.She flutters beneath the camera's shuttered stare, …

I Bought New Candles

528528 views55 comments44 favs

The candles and my brain flame like a torch

The Sky Bent Over

10071007 views66 comments44 favs

and coughed its grey net over the candle lit world outside. Birds of an arrow sprang into thin air and disappeared over the hills in a quick shortness of zoom-breath-- like a stiffened branch snapping . It's cold. There're …

"But Stringing Up Darkies Is"

14651465 views77 comments55 favs

The cat's on the floor fussing with the plastic bag from the liquor store. There are tiny scratches and bites on my hand. The TV is fully concerned with liquor-induced violence. "These people are thirsty." I'm the same, but my needs are met. Prohibition's over. …


11781178 views55 comments55 favs

What Did We Fight Over?

Elephant with a little Poet on its Head

10211021 views55 comments55 favs

“Every word was once an animal.”--Emerson This circle has been Broken. The mother has Disappeared inside the wounds Of gunfire like an Eye drop. Who knows if Any of them left, crunched Down, whole into the…


378378 views77 comments44 favs

-- Adultery I took her out to a drive-in movie and we had sex in the back seat of my car. Then went into the concession stand to get something sweet after so much sex, and everyone was in there doing the same thing, you could tell by…

Three Poems in March, after Baca

16931693 views88 comments55 favs

I could love them all, your people, / Learn their differences, speak their tongues, / When there is no one there to hold you / But me, my arms would be wide enough / To hold armies of your need. Do not forget.

The Tourists

12051205 views66 comments55 favs

They acquire him in a bar that is famous for its shipwrecks.

Doctor My Eyes: The Ultimate Cataract Surgery Mix Tape

11511151 views66 comments55 favs

Q: What's the best song to sing to your doc before cataract surgery? A: I Only Have Eyes For You

Poem to My New Lover, All for Free

12461246 views1010 comments44 favs

Come, bring your sadness to the precipice of my body, bury it within me like a tool