Who are all these rough looking people, hanging over me, itching me with their shaggy grapevines for arms? Like twisting, dangling down painted cloth Gargoyles on a quickly coming apart dried up rope? It's always been the same old perch to view from. You wanted to know…
When I first arrived/footling-breeched/you two were there/ahead of me.
and I can't help it if it is. I know it won't stay that way for long, but for now that's all I've got to work with, shining in my window, made of all eight fingers and a couple of thumbs. But the latest pushy words still want to give…
I wake up with the taste of mud in my mouth. Ashy, sulfurous, charred, with traces of rotten shellfish.
A writer was looking for characters for a new story and decided to rent out a room in his brain, thinking it might attract someone interesting. Given the poor real estate market, there were no takers, and he decided to offer the room for…
Now his daughter was an American citizen and Max wanted only the chance to board the SS Maua and disembark in New York.
They sat on the couch, and he tried to unbutton her buttons, but she fended him off.
Eight days before her 50th birthday they were married in their soft new pajamas, holding hands on his bed in the hospital. The pastor and witnesses wore protective hospital gowns and gloves; the patient was in isolation once again. A special dispensation from the head…
For you have waited. And waited and waited. And soon your slice of bread will be ready.
Co-workers have started calling him Jesus, Manson, Foghat, Doobie Brother, hippie, hipster, Grizzly Adams, Dude Lebowski... there’s really no end to it.
...lotus roots carved with clunky holes like a mouse’s drawing of Swiss cheese.
the memories return like they do every year at this time
“What do you want for Father's Day?” she asks. “Sex,” he says, his mouth curling at the corners, “and a bottle of Shiraz.” …
Mark Reep is a faded Polaroid oracle taped to the only unbroken window of an abandoned house in Ithaca NY.
“still watersrun deep” is not my portionborn to make waves Formed from the ocean
Tender veterinarian, even if you weren't so tall, or your eyes so warm, or your fingers so long, or if you didn't bend over my sick cat with such astounding grace, or shoot those quick, intense glances at me, I'd have woven dreams while in your uncommon presence. Vulnerable…
my space heater throws a pale orange light
my white candles flicker in the middle of the night
-Love is a rushing
of blood
That’s when the inconspicuous-until-now janitor saunters over, glances down at their starlist and mumbles, “Don’t forget the sun,” and the astronomers all slap their foreheads and smile.
Savvy as a nine-year-old playing poker with high rollers in Las Vegas, that was Paulie. She'd finally thrown Dick Weasel out the night before, but that morning Diana'd shot down their plan of sharing the house in a “man-free”…
when unicorns took to flight / the poles shifted / the world flooded / and Pangaea busted open like calloused palm
The end is rehearsed over and over;/
in a world without heaven all is farewell.
It’s the unfinished sentences
Of the children on our refrigerators
That worry me the most
It’s the Fake News
It’s all the people
Living in their shopping carts
Without shoes
It’s the abandoned shoe
On the street
And the Abandoned S
This little town lost its mill...
First the room is blank white and then she is placed there and one by one everything is penciled in. Her, in a loose and flowery dress that conceals her feet; a black and white cat, who wraps her tail around her legs and looks up, head moving trying to interpret;…
All is Ready I have bathed in patchouli oil and my hair gleams, lustrous with brushing. I am wearing my gold ankle bracelets with the ruby charms that my love gave me when we had been married one year. My robe is fuschia silk and under it I wear…
Mercury and Gemini disappointed.