Mark Reep is a faded Polaroid oracle taped to the only unbroken window of an abandoned house in Ithaca NY. Offering cheap smokes will avail you nothing. Bring Black Bush in a silver flask. Leave cash under the brick. Rainy days are best.
43 words
All rights reserved.
Author's Note
Every now and then I get tired of trying to craft appropriate artist's statements, and another of these happens instead. Published in Horror Sleaze Trash.
One of my artist pals asked me to write her "statement" because she's not good with words, she says. This is so much better than what I wrote. Can I borrow it for her? thanks
Carol, I think artist's statements are hard for a lot of us. Mostly they feel like you're trying to present yourself as impressively as possible. A friend once used this: "(insert name here) believes art should be for everyone without explanation." If you/she can make use of any of my weirdness, you're welcome :)
Will gladly mooch snacks and wine at your next gallery reception.
One of my artist pals asked me to write her "statement" because she's not good with words, she says. This is so much better than what I wrote. Can I borrow it for her? thanks
Not a wasted phrase. And "Rainy days are best" is a great closing moment. Good writing.
Oliver, that's what they're for :) See you there.
Carol, I think artist's statements are hard for a lot of us. Mostly they feel like you're trying to present yourself as impressively as possible. A friend once used this: "(insert name here) believes art should be for everyone without explanation." If you/she can make use of any of my weirdness, you're welcome :)
Hi Sam, thank you. Always trying for economy. Hope your mom's feeling better. All best.
Like this. Agree with Sam on the closing. *
Somewhere, I,too, am a faded Polaroid.
Thanks, Christian!
Gary, it beats being a lowrez jpeg :)
Ohhh, yup!
I love an artist statement that's creative, isn't pompous and makes me smile. This is that. Do you hire out? :) *
Thanks, Jane!
Charlotte, agreed. A painter friend once posted this one: '- believes art should be for everyone without explanation.'
Not bad, that :)
Rainy days are best. I like that.