He predicted narwhals would take to flight
like unicorns they would shed normalcy
in favor of mystical beast status
I held out the five dollar bill
reread his sign out loud
“proffissy for a price”
yes yes yes he nodded
but I don't care about narwhales
or mystical beasts as a whole
if you really must know
not worth five dollars I concluded
no no no he shook his head
everybody should care greatly
when unicorns took to flight
the poles shifted
the world flooded
and Pangaea busted open like calloused palm
so unicorns... they came before the dinosaurs?
I smirked
he spit at my toes and gruffly asked
if I really bought that Darwin-shit
no such thing as dinosaurs
bible says so, explicitly
but unicorns...
I started
real as your underwear
he insisted,
snatching my money and running
leaving his crutches like lonely giraffe bones
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151 words
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A Poem.
"leaving his crutches like lonely giraffe bones"
No adult cares about unicorns.
Wonderful! The ending is a real doozy! *
Gonna hafta half-up Jake here: doozy plus! *
Proffissy. There's always a price
I love that last linle.
Here's five bucks for the poffissy i by god want. And no other.*
Great scene! And
"He predicted narwhals would take to flight
like unicorns they would shed normalcy
in favor of mystical beast status" is worth at least five bucks.
Anything with narwhals is easy to fav.
Great fun to read. Love the mini-drama & the "proffissy for a price" character!