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Rivers Start As Threads

726726 views00 comments00 favs

Dissonance is indispensable Observes Marcel Proust in a rowboat I hold in my hand a fire

Greetings from 17-E

13711371 views00 comments00 favs

Remember the glass changing room just off the pool terrace? It's been replaced by a juice bar. Seems fitting, really.


965965 views00 comments00 favs

What do I understand? What have I mastered or come to terms with?

Out of His League

918918 views22 comments00 favs

He strikes out with this one...

Morning Sounds

11701170 views88 comments33 favs

Morning sounds

Jack Arnfinn

11611161 views33 comments22 favs

... and the train pulls up and my shadow from yesterday steps off, and I'm standing on one leg balancing just like the weather between winter and spring, I hear a siren and my heart races, I'm about to step aboard when I hear footsteps behind me and two hands cover my eyes…

2 and 2

12221222 views1414 comments66 favs

I was a six year old with no bike. Only the males in my familyhad that privilege. So one morning I got up very early, before the older siblings awoke, crept out the back porch door where Iknew there would be two bikes in the yard just waiting for me and my…

An Object for the Sun God

12861286 views55 comments22 favs

this one was abandoned... a splinter left under the skin, pushed out by protective flesh

55 words #8

12011201 views99 comments77 favs

Weight of faithlessness... Mist Of bodily Existence Grave expectations for the future

Autumn in the Afterward

13511351 views77 comments66 favs

A year after we'd last spoken I can still remember your commentary, our ill-fated reunion at the baggage claim forever immortalized as this solitary instance of unobstructed joy.

Billionaire* Consternation - a play in three acts

13021302 views55 comments55 favs

Is it you with that fucking gold and platinum yacht?!?

Zoo Story

19921992 views2020 comments1515 favs

I tell my friend, the animal lover, not to get too near the panther's cage. "Why not?" she asks. "You'll see," I say.

Monkey Business

10521052 views55 comments33 favs

Benjamin stands beside his bed and unpacks his few things – wire cutters, knife, tape, line, two blocks of C-4, wallet, brush, and a small stuffed animal – a monkey.


940940 views33 comments33 favs

cummings starts to sniff, his usual routine. He feigns aloofness while raising one wolfy leg to pee on Eliot's sneakers.

Anatomy of a Breakdown

21612161 views1414 comments99 favs

Can’t seem to put your clothes on today. You’re wandering in the little closet of your mind again, picking at socks that won’t stay up, shirts that are always too big -


15671567 views1919 comments1818 favs

He was a tenth grade / messiah, famous for acts of attrition.

The Nature of Things

11941194 views66 comments55 favs

She’s not coming today. She didn’t come yesterday either.

Velcro Shoes, a Cardboard Computer, and Other Signs of Brilliance

15861586 views66 comments33 favs

It wasn't until later that I realized that any time a teacher complimented you on your use of imagination, it was because they didn't know what else to make of whatever you'd created. My homemade narrative video in lieu of the assigned “getting to know y


14021402 views11 comment00 favs

Elin and I had religious differences about the garage. To her the garage required regular sweeping and organization--it was an extension of our house. Elin believed dust and mold to be manifestations of inner sin. I insisted that they were agents of evolu

Cognitive Therapy in Russian

25402540 views1414 comments88 favs

We aren't designed for darkness. Something deep inside of us, something much older and deeper than us is telling us to move away, get to warm, because if we don’t, come winter we will die.

The Black Hole

18691869 views99 comments99 favs

Matilda went wild at sixty-five. Legs left unshaven for the first time in fifty years, hair still and proud, knotted with forgetting. She’d roam the streets at night, a traveler without design. Matilda was a gardener of sorts, digging up all previous assu

Well, I LOVE Darkness . . . But I've Chosen YOU!!!

17871787 views11 comment11 fav

The elevator door opened, and Tom ("The Baffler") Frank found himself confronted by Jesu bar Joseph, who opined: "You're WORTHLESS!" and recommended: "Why dontcha PULL your PANTS down, and CUT your COCK off!"

fragments of their lives survive

970970 views22 comments11 fav

Only fragments of their lives survive, like broken Sapphos. I have known them, alleged killer of themselves for the love of a man., but we know this is an invention. The leader of a whole guild of girls, who wrote 7 books of poems. What happened to them

The Tourists

12031203 views66 comments55 favs

They acquire him in a bar that is famous for its shipwrecks.

There's a Panther in my Poodle

13791379 views66 comments55 favs

There are glasses in the sinkfrom the water that I drink.And the books in my li-braryare not dumb and ordinary.There's a doggie at my door;did I go to the pet store?There's a puppy on my couch-ywho was happy, now she's grouchy.Was a writer, now an authoror an otter; no, an…


23802380 views3737 comments3232 favs

I didn't tell her how deeply a terrible weakness for ginger haired people ran in our family, how fortunes had been lost only because of a red beard, a freckled shoulder of exquisite paleness, or a pink nipple.

Looking at the Light of the Moon on the Sea

12151215 views44 comments22 favs

It was hard, in the crowded vacation house, to make love as they would have alone.


15951595 views1111 comments66 favs

Follow my finger up the canyon wall, past the Chevy wedged into its own ferocious orbit. It was that innocent...

The House

13041304 views1616 comments1010 favs

Two stories, limestone, gray shutters,next to the park.“We almost bought that house,” my father always saideach time we drove by.He doesn't go down that street anymore.What could have been taunts him from the sidewalks —two little girls and a bucket of…

the leisure to walk about sweetly

879879 views00 comments00 favs

You seemed to have that leisure to walk about sweetly when I was with you, honey-singing the reward for the intensity of emotion you lunged about in. Nothing seemed like it was going to hurt or harm anyone, even while I was going nuts between the legs.