by Mark Reep
10. I can't draw a straight line to save my life
9. I was just trying to bang some life back into my pen, and this happened
8. It runs in the family. And not that many of us were ever institutionalized, at least for long, so it can't be that bad...
7. Chicks dig dots
6. I thought this was a drywalling class
5. It's so weird, somebody's gotta wanna buy it
4. If I screw up, the mistakes are so small nobody'll notice 'em anyway
3. It's wonderfully therapeutic and relaxing, I've become a much calmer, kinder person- Waddya mean I've still got a ways to go? HUH? WADDYA MEAN BY THAT??!!
2. Hey, I may be legally blind, but at least I qualify for disability now
1. Helen Hunt said it best, on Mad About You: I'm not nuts- I'm THOROUGH.
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154 words
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A cautionary tale. Sadly, much of this is true.
Damn, I would have stippled like a madman if I knew #7 about 20 years ago! :-) Very clever piece, Mark!
Weird and wonderful. . . fave
Very cool. *
I'm a list person, Mark - and connect with this right away. The form works well. Especially like the beginning with 10. A strong way to start:
"I can't draw a straight line to save my life"
This is very funny, Mark. Witty and I like the structure.
Fun and inventive, Mark. *
yes! very inventive indeed! like very much.
very nice!
My favorites are 9, 3, & 1. I await the series which will of course include spatter, scratch, drip, and leak. *
"I thought this was a drywalling class"
Made me laugh!
I really dig the countdown format of this, like Letterman (I think, haven't watched him in quite some time)...and I also thought it was drywalling until we got into the lines. Inventive and fun!