by Doug Holder
Hair today...gone tomorrow
The sun beats down
on my balding crown.
The hat I wear
is for prevention
I wore it for
sun used to glisten
off my thick black hair
now it just shines...
there's just scalp there.
Women use to run their fingers
through my mane
now when they do it
I loose the few strands that remain.
So when you pass
a bald man
show respect and walk slow
because what's firmly rooted today
maybe gone when strong winds blow...
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You are so bald I can see your mind.... Hey Curly! Who is the bald guy?, hair today gone tomorrow -- I'm going to have my hair cut... Great, which one...
This could have been corny but you manage to pull it all together and make it new---Nice! *
Ha! Thanks for the chuckle, Doug.
Haha. I have the exact opposite problem. Someday I'll show you my poems about that... *
Oh, and I think you meant lose, not loose.