Tap Dancing to Voltage
by Meg Tuite
Queer that I've never been struck by lightning. My mother and grandmother were circulatory psychics who could read the blood coursing through one's veins. With the touch of those spidery blue wisps running up the inner arms they could transform the future into now. I watched their eyelids flutter, mouths contort and clouds open as demonic voices sealed the seasons into one.
I was an only child, a son, my mother named Moirai, greek for the Fates. It didn't help matters that I couldn't read those cheap ESP cards you could buy at the dimestore. Everyone called me Morrie, which as far as I know had no meaning except that I was Jewish, for as long as I've been standing on this earth in tap shoes.
Tap shoes are the portal to the opening of heavens that will ignite me with the highest voltage of electricity, give me the gift I was meant for at birth. Prophecy.
I have read every book and listed all the ways to harness that cataclysm down into my circulatory system.
I booked a flight to Gainesville, Florida, where more people have been struck by lightning in the US, in June, the most promising month for blast offs. I stayed in a hotel with a pool and lots of tall trees near a golf course. I rented a boat so I could slip into the waters when the warnings were blaring out to stay away. I went to the Salvation Army store and rummaged up pots and pans. I got the gardener of the hotel to lend me a wheelbarrow and then waited.
When the thunder was cracking at about 10 (one thousand), I put on my tap shoes, my tinfoil hat and armor, wheelbarrowed the pots and pans out to the boat and loaded them in. I pushed off into the murky waters as I listened to thunder move into 8 (one thousand).
People think you die getting hit by lightning, but that's barely a 10% probability. Yes, there are some debilitating effects, just like any venture worth its weight in metal, but pioneers charge on into explosive territory where others fear to drift.
As the cracking honed in 5 (one thousand) I waved pots and pans, tap danced counter-clockwise and chanted for shockwaves to lift me like a spectacle of fireworks.
I have been to Gainsville three years in a row. I almost drowned twice, got arrested in my tinfoil gear on a golf course and was kicked out of the last two motels for swinging a metallic anvil around in the swimming pool after midnight when the winds were roaring like devils. Queer, that I haven't been torched yet by that thunderbolt dagger in the sky.
I'm not good with predictions. But it's only a matter of time before I will be.

Queer is right, honey! Electrifying indeed. Loved this read, Meg, and your curious, imaginative mind. Great placement at WHLR, too.
Oh yeah, a fave, for sure.
Thank you so much, Robert!!! Never know where these characters roll in from!!!
Wonderful piece. Quite imaginative. *
Read this in WHLR. Loved it. *
Thank you so much, Christian!!!!
Thank you so much, Christian!!!!
Dear James,
So glad you got to read it in WHLR and are commenting here!!! So appreciate it!!! We're having storms here, finally, so I'll have to get my tap shoes out!!!
Wow. This was a great read at Wilderness House - Big like, Meg.
"Tap shoes are the portal to the opening of heavens that will ignite me with the highest voltage of electricity, give me the gift I was meant for at birth. Prophecy.
I have read every book and listed all the ways to harness that cataclysm down into my circulatory system."
Good writing and form. Yes to this.
Thank you so much, Sam!!! Much appreciated!!!!
Meg, another "electrifying" piece! Sorry couldn't help myself. What a glorious, singular imagination you have. The world would be so much less without it. . . fave
A dance of the imagination.
Wonderful last line!
"pioneers charge on into explosive territory where others fear to drift"
That's you as a writer, Meg!
Dear MaryAnne,
Thank you so much for your kind words and for reading and commenting!! So much appreciated!!!
Dear Bill,
Thank you so much!! WOW!!! I so appreciate your generous comments!!!
Really like the quirkiness of this piece - it works so well, and the story arc is PERFECT. Congrats on the publication [well deserved]. Fave
Thank you so much, Gill!!! I really appreciate your reading and commenting!!!
Really silly and fun. I like this guy's insouciance, Meg. Nicely done. *
Dear Joani,
Thank you so much for reading and commenting!!!!
So appreciate it!!!
This character appeals to me so much, Meg. I come from a long line of eccentrics and am becoming more and more so myself. LOL. Maybe I will be out there, with pots and pans on a lake near Gainesville, yet.
Great piece. *
Dear Andrew,
I'll look for you out there!!! Don't forget the tap shoes!!!! Thanks so much!!! From one eccentric to another!!!
Very nice, Meg. * Gainesville is my old stomping grounds. It really is the lightning capital of the world.
BTW, you have it misspelled in the second to last paragraph.
Thanks so much, Jim!! I have to retype these damn stories every time I post on Fictionaut, which isn't very often, because of the added work! I misspelled here, but not in the original, thank God!!! Thanks for the comments and will have to get out my tap shoes and make a trip to Gainesville!!!
Flat out marvelous from start to finish, but an absolutely inspired ending. Hallelujah! Fav.
Thank you kindly, Jack!!! I so appreciate your reading and commenting, always!!!
Story knocked me out at first reading, thrilled to have it for Wilderness House summer issue! This story boils with energy, great quirky voice, tons of originality!
Thank you so much, Susan, for publishing this story and for loving it!!! I like this strange character and am so thankful you did too!!
You pack a lot of story into 500 words. I liked it!
So origina, Meg, and so good. I love contemplating this one, thinking about it like it's real. And the thing is, you've made it real. *
Thank you so much, Thomas!!! I so appreciate you reading and commenting!!!
Dear Foster,
Thank you so much for reading and sending your wonderful comments!!! Always appreciated!!!
Zappy, Sista!
Ditto on previous quotes.
I love the images stirred here
Thank you so much, Michael!!! I like zapppy!!!
Love the quirky electric mind of this narrator. Great work, Meg!
Thank you so much, David, for reading and commenting! much appreciated!!!
Thank you, Tantra!!! It is a trip via tap shoes and tinfoil!
Love this little story for its quirkiness, humor, colorful and sometimes startling imagery and imagination...unless, of course, it's all true, every word of it, because, as they say, the truth is stranger than fiction and you just can't make this stuff up! ;-) Seriously - great little story - a delightful trip off the beaten path. Fave!
Thank you so much, Michael!!! You didn't see me out there on the boat with the tinfoil cap and tap shoes? Damn!!! Thanks so much for reading and commenting!!!
Maybe metallic fringe? This is a fabulous dance of the imagination, and you can't push the river, no, but you can move your readers. *
Hahahhahaa! Thank you, Beate! I like metallic fringe!
Love your comments!!!
Hahahhahaa! Thank you, Beate! I like metallic fringe!
Love your comments!!!