When the snow reached the windowsills I was no longer a virgin.
I wanted to sit in class in Iowa next to Flannery as she recited that first story that stopped the world with an accent so dense with dogwood we had to strain to collect every word.
An Ayurvedic astrologer told her that she was a child of India. Is a girl born in Indiana a mistake of just two letters on a Scrabble board?
An Ayurvedic astrologer tells her that she is a child of India. Is a girl born in Indiana a mistake of just two letters on a Scrabble board?
Clayton had a grin like the hand of a beast that stretched as long as her gravel road...
The so-called good, a weak but whiny lot, who actually clung to that abstract of "justice for all," would tattle to Mrs. Pufry...Mzzz Puffy, she hit me...Mzzz Puffy he said the bad word...Mzzz Puffy, I gotta go...Mzzz Puffy, Thomas is hanging in the cloak
We were destined by chemistry and plastic figurines to give it a go.
"Look," he said. "Look at the knife. See how I hold it?"
whistling some blithering tune, trotting around the kitchen in his underwear with his ribs, a long row of meatless tragedies that screamed for something other than the meal he was making.
you had to actually cross a damn street, vacate your brain, and say, "you two hellions are going to combust from all this torrid public defilement."
Tap shoes are the portal to the opening of heavens that will ignite me with the highest voltage of electricity, give me the gift I was meant for at birth. Prophecy.
Every one of them will tell you I drank so much malt liquor I could barf up a distillery and that wouldn’t be a lie.
I doused back three Buds in the time it took him to detest a variety of subjects including the naivety of quantum physics and pregnant women.