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#30: Bye-Bye (An Excerpt-Poetry)

10111011 views22 comments22 favs

This is goodbye,

My Name is Smegma Jones, and I'm a Pussy: A Memoir

35463546 views66 comments66 favs


Trapping for Poetesses

539539 views00 comments00 favs

So many ingenious traps for catching and hamstringing female poets have been invented that it is a rare editor who ever really sees one. H.L. Mencken


13971397 views1919 comments88 favs

Evening was drawing nigh and Mosby's horse had tired from the daylong ride.

Seasonal Poem

12481248 views66 comments55 favs

One of the poems in my collection, One Day Tells its Tale to Another, published December 16, 2012. Available on Amazon. My first book!

Sunday Morning Series- 7: Sunday Morning Trifurcation

10381038 views1515 comments88 favs

Go diddle in the sand// to save some other sinner/ a death of stones.


12151215 views1515 comments1010 favs

No jagged bits of crust were thrust up/ through the prairie’s black gumbo/ to give us cataclysmic mountain views.

End of the World

11751175 views99 comments55 favs

The world doesn'tend just becauseyou want it to.Bonus poems:The Poet(Series 1)by Darryl PricePoet in a TreeYeah, well, it's not up here either. Although the everything and nothing view is nice. Only because it doesn't have any abandoned cars in it. I'm…

The Magic Dolls

856856 views11 comment00 favs

Trees gaining maturity that waited in the sun, in the bursting mornings and long afternoons, became restless now in new night textures. Sometimes the wind that came before the storm seemed to be intelligent, and follow some unseen but labyrinthine pathway. But now it…

The Colony of Voluntary Exiles

883883 views22 comments22 favs

Voluntary exiles spread fears and feces, diseases and monstrosities, all the suffering and suffocation, ruthlessness and rootlessness of the world, just like a horsefly that cheekily spreads its filthy eggs in the most paradisiacal corners of the earth. Hence the…

Road Movies

991991 views22 comments11 fav

Like puddles when it rains, like relationships in chains.


805805 views00 comments00 favs

Walking alone, underneath thin, moonlit clouds, the world began to unfold and shows it guts. Deep within the Colorado mountains, miles from the nearest convenience store or free wi-fi connection, I started to merge into the implicate.


948948 views11 comment00 favs

kindergarteners sent to class with Uzis

The Quiet-Minded One

10351035 views00 comments00 favs

Oh, wait — loosen the ropes, you say? Sorry. Can't do that.

The Bum and His Shopping Cart, Giving Up His Ways

13071307 views88 comments77 favs

A bum leaves his shopping cart in the middle of the intersection at 7th Ave and Perry St and walks away leaving everything behind

The Twenty Minute War

10481048 views11 comment11 fav

Maybe there was no truth. Things had become so strange that sometimes Jannsun suspected that everything had already happened and we were just toying with selective memory.

The Fly

118118 views1010 comments77 favs

We should put him out of his misery.

The High Line, New York City

18701870 views3535 comments1818 favs

She doesn’t notice the small group of women in saris, emerald and garnet, sapphire and citrine, the cloth covered with mirrors glinting in the light. Or how they link plump brown arms, frightened or delighted by the attention, huddled close, bird-like ch

The Fruitless Resuscitation

861861 views33 comments22 favs

I was sent here to perform the autopsy on the norm, the status quo, the bourgeois.

The 5 Senses of the Apocalypse

10781078 views44 comments33 favs

The Rapture comes and goes unannounced in carbonated soda bubbles spicing the air.

Him and his Father

13261326 views55 comments11 fav

Snow was falling. People passed by the window and wore large coats. Inside, Alex stood in front of the window and watched.

When To Break Up With Your Gynecologist

26642664 views99 comments66 favs

He asked what I used for birth control and I told him, “prayer”. He smiled the kind of smile you smile at young girls who don’t know any better.

Daddy's Teeth

12701270 views66 comments66 favs

At night, I wake up, and Daddy's in the bathroom with a hanger in his mouth....


26962696 views6565 comments3131 favs

... must we turn again (and again)/ to an orchestra stripped of wind and drum?

Burned by Shoplifting, One Store Turns to a Higher Power

13371337 views88 comments55 favs

Most loss control specialists wear standard rent-a-cop outfits, but notSister Joseph Arimathea and Sister Mary Clarus, who wear the grey, white and black habits of the Precious Blood Sisters.

Boxwood at Nine

121121 views1212 comments1111 favs

I am Gloria, age nine, standing with my left hand on the green gate to the yard of the farmhouse that I will always consider Home

The Monday Wednesday Friday War

769769 views77 comments33 favs

Ginny, the mother, was a lark in every respect of the word. Born and raised in central California farm country, to a family of lower middle class means, educated in public schools in whose bathroom stalls she was deflowered as unceremoniously as a pig ta

Assiduity Sixteen

11611161 views66 comments55 favs

I'm fascinated by Don's evolution . . .

A Friend To Outlive

741741 views00 comments00 favs

I didn't much care for the graveyard anymore now that so many people I knew where layin' in it.

The Choice

803803 views22 comments22 favs

The bull had flesh of a deep red that turned black where the massive muscles knotted. Colt thought of the way blood turns black when it pools too deep. There was nothing but muscle, an intricate network of coarse fibers woven tightly and wrapped in a thin