My name is Rand and I'm a free-thinker, good to meet you! I write both prose and poetry, sometimes I'll even record a reading of my work, as well as create digital art and digital music. My life goal is to attain my MFA focus on creative writing with a pinpoint in the strange/weird. If all else fails, I hope that my creations are able to reach the world in a meaningful way.
When I'm not throwing voids and ideas through alchemtic portals, you might find me yelling at video games, herding my daughter around trouble, spouting philosophy at midnight, being a bit of an opinionated arse, and challenging reality at large. I also like to eat food, drink liquid,and sleep. Oh, how it pains me to wake.
I'm also not easily offended in the way of feedback/critique, so please take the kid gloves off, I'd be happy to do the same for you when I consider your work.
The strange. Life. The desire to inform, break molds, make molds, open eyes, open minds, and revel that which has yet to be seen. Many of my tales and poetry often aspire to send a meaningful message, if not many at once. For example my tale 'Grind Club' deals with immigration, poverty, equality, and acceptance--all presented in strange and fantastic ways that leave the ultimate decisions and answers up to the reader. I'm also very inspired by any types of mythos, be it my own, Lovecrafts, or another!
H.P. Lovecraft, Michael Marshall Smith, Some Stephen King, and many many others
Thanks for reading my flash piece "The Crack", Rand. I'm flattered you found it interesting. ;-)
Welcome, welcome. I hope you enjoy it here.
Thanks for reading my flash piece "The Crack", Rand. I'm flattered you found it interesting. ;-)
Welcome, welcome. I hope you enjoy it here.