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Right Here on Our Stage...Tonight

705705 views99 comments99 favs

When Madeline became beset with a malady diagnosed as Harlequin's Syndrome she had to learn to overlook the muffled, but audible, guffaws about her excessive perspiration and slightly stooped posture on stage. She was a trooper and said she knew they came from those who…

1957: Kathleen Eulalie, Widow

12231223 views1010 comments1010 favs

My lipline's retreated since Tuesday. I'll toss those Hazel Bishop reds, (lipstick on shriveled lips rattles men, scares little children) skip Woolworth's cosmetics counter, save backaching, ankleswelling pondering of powders, rouges, …

Bees in the Eaves

938938 views66 comments55 favs

We write in darkness. We love in alleys. We breathe into beige paper bags. Anything to mollify the confusion. Anything to simplify the math.

Something Horrible Has Happened

11911191 views1414 comments1010 favs

The smart drivers know the signs/ and the back street ways around the wreck.

Brief excerpt from the Fantasy thing I'm writing.

936936 views33 comments11 fav

Lucien Lucien Tidesquall lay almost sleeping amid the soft green grass. His eyes irradiated green midnight under vanquished brows. A plover hovered somewhere in the distance. It reminded him of a poem he had written as a teenager, a haiku that went as…

Layover Memories

10001000 views1919 comments2020 favs

It was a pleasant time, my thoughts were mostly good ones, with little effort wasted on regret.

Molly was a F***ing Tourist

12451245 views2020 comments1515 favs

The boys drank in one room. The girls in another. Always the same, no matter the letters. Greek Letters. Shabby sofa on the burnt-out lawn.

Plantar Fasciitis

14221422 views22 comments22 favs

"Don't fuss, hon. I just lick it off like tequila."

Same Trailer, Different Park

11221122 views77 comments77 favs

Suddenly everything is delaminating People are popping right off the surface of humanity I am coming loose from my previous lives

Moving On

12661266 views66 comments55 favs

The woman finished packing her things as the man walked in. They looked at one another for a long moment. …

Ten Books That Have Stuck with Me Off the Top of My Head as I Make Them Up, #1

925925 views22 comments22 favs

“Miss Brown had spent the morning (was it just this morning? Or another?) purchasing parsnips and leafy green vegetables from the local grocers, when she was overcome by a wave of nausea. The world went black and she awoke in a windowless, doorless room.

Brief Studies of Doomed Females

17441744 views1212 comments77 favs

She is unsure if it will work, despite all her reading of physics and flying carpets and propeller planes. The practicalities of aerodynamics in application remain to be tested.

The Night Before the Last Day of Summer

990990 views22 comments22 favs

Tonight is our last night to dream.

Passing Past

16131613 views1414 comments1414 favs

No one means to go that way, on an errand to the mall....

Signs and Wonders

12501250 views1212 comments1111 favs

Bag worms hang in their cloudy white hammocks. This is the month of webs when long-bodied yellow and black spiders sign their autographs.

The Cabin

15971597 views2424 comments2323 favs

That evening I sat and watched the sunset. The color of the water changed from blue to black. The sky turned from pink to star-spangled ebony. There was no moon.

Awaiting What the Afternoon May Bring

12591259 views1212 comments1010 favs

Another siege/ with kamikaze fervor.

The Answer Man

886886 views55 comments22 favs

Her legs splayed out in front of her. She was a mess

Aging Bikers and Biker Chicks on Vacation

798798 views55 comments44 favs

Chin beards, flannel shirts, Levis no boots anymore, just loose sandals their chicks with double triple multiple chins falling asleep on their own palms

Birds Fly(a chapbook of seven+ poems)

14981498 views99 comments88 favs

Birds FlySeven Poemsby Darryl Pricefor Charlotte and Mel, as always"We should insist on joy in spite of everything."--Tom Robbins“I don't need your love. I don't need you to understand. I just need you to listen.”—Perfume Genius1. I Want to Sing to…

Peace be with you

853853 views22 comments22 favs

Published in Calamities Press Peace be with you Jesus returned to earth by walking down the middle of…

Old Vibrations

16011601 views2323 comments2020 favs

There's always a sound, something triggering the fear.

Junk Pulse

933933 views33 comments33 favs

Me included...


12211221 views55 comments33 favs

Although still uncertain of whether she was a she fish or a he fish (she definitely hated being an it fish), the fish liked what she saw of Nags Head. Finally, a world that gave her a choice. And felt no need to verify whether she was a real she fish, or just a he fish…

Out of Stardust

12781278 views66 comments55 favs

Nor woke, as always, to a dark room smelling of the lavender she kept in little bottles to perfume the otherwise stank air. Outside, she could still see the edge of the moon hanging there like a lopsided smile. The early summer wind blew in and stirred the faded floral…

Reasons to Live (RtL) = right to left

10921092 views99 comments88 favs

6. to register for the draft

Return to the Magic Tree House

864864 views33 comments22 favs

“You can't smoke in here, Jack,” his father said. “Your mother will kill me.” Those were the first words spoken as the pair rode in silence from Chester County. Jack pulled the unlit cigarette from his mouth and tucked it above his ear. …


10141014 views44 comments11 fav

CALENTURE The horizon is marked with the still sculptures of dead gulls; A young man floats off slowly on the…

A Circus Never to Return

14881488 views77 comments77 favs

But on arrival Darlene was in no prompt mood to undress. "There's some ugly sumpthin' out there along the fence, looks like it's gnawin' on sumpthin' dead."

Chapter 1

997997 views33 comments11 fav

“The King,” he paused, pursed his lips, looked across the crowd of eager and fearful citizens of Ki, “is dead!”