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Armless Wonder

16531653 views55 comments33 favs

For the woman with no arms, life is a constant dexterity demonstration

'MY DICK IS SO HARD FOR JESUS!' by Christofascist Jones

16521652 views22 comments11 fav

"Now, I'm not no Holocaust Denier . . . I just think it was a little bump in the road! Like Reagan said about Watergate . . . 'Mistakes were made,' and all. Well, shoot . . .…

Finger Weaving A Voyageur Sash

16521652 views1616 comments1212 favs

Night's air awhirl, the sky shoots fireflies. Sometimes, she bleeds black arrows in her dreams.

The Thirteenth Sign

16521652 views2222 comments1414 favs

I'm twelve again and

I Knew the Topography of His Face Just by Shouting and Feeling the Reverberations

16521652 views55 comments33 favs

Show me where to go, he said out of defiance for the moment in which time was malleable and fat minutes were consumed by wayward, languid hours. And all I could do for the time being was sit there excruciatingly anxious for this to pass, so it…


16521652 views1717 comments99 favs

I don't know what happened to all the men. Used to wonder if they killed them all.

Flooding the Memory River

16521652 views33 comments00 favs

His movements were slowed by the metaphysical force of his own passing recollections, and he brushed from his face the silt he'd distrurbed on this forced descent.

"You Go"

16521652 views44 comments22 favs

You like your life. Ducks march in a row. You've reached a certain age but you're strong. Healthy. You've got food, clothing, shelter. You have insurance and important papers. You don't have a man in your life, and you admit— Admit nothing. The…

Reckless/ Abandon

16511651 views3333 comments2020 favs

He shows a wreaking disregard for the safety of others

Cinderella's Lament

16511651 views1111 comments44 favs

My name is Wanda McClure and I lived in the foothills of Eastern Kentucky. A small town miles off the interchange, and mostly in the middle of nowhere. I lived in a trailer. I was 52 years old.


16511651 views99 comments33 favs

Our city is really two cities, conjoined. One lives during the day, the other at night. Those who live and breathe daytime air call the city by one name, a name which evokes the relative newness of the place, a name with words just barely invented.…


16501650 views22 comments33 favs

I believe in theCollective conscienceOf Mankind Whatever the masses wantComes into fruitionSome genius will create itIf we want warWe will get warWe don't want peaceSo we never get itJust consider The smartphoneWhat a great deviceIt seems as if we should neverBe bored…

Three Micros

16501650 views1717 comments1717 favs

The Cheese Maker's Son; The Pretenders; Train Whistles in the Wintertime

What Literary Rejection Letters Would Mean In The Real World

16501650 views88 comments55 favs

I ask for your patience with this form message, as it is part of a system that ensures every submissive ex lover is considered separately, since I am involved in a lot of anonymous sex.


16501650 views1313 comments66 favs

Less than a hundred adults remain, predominately women, along with several dozen children of various ages. Most of their men were killed in a territorial war six moons previous.

December 1999

16501650 views1010 comments1010 favs

... and you can’t balance your checkbook or divide a three-way bill in a restaurant but you can still recite all the sixteen ways of SHAUN CASSIDY TELLS: 16 WAYS TO TURN ME ON!

Banana Republic

16491649 views1212 comments1010 favs

I would love to believe that this poem might sell a poetry book

What Noah Joad Was Thinking When They Left Him Behind

16491649 views1010 comments77 favs

Going to catch Ma a fish. Won't be special like Tom coming home. But she won't have to feed it. She can eat it.

Killing with kindness

16481648 views1111 comments88 favs

I have a few medical issues.

Often I think on who pulls the strings,

16481648 views77 comments66 favs

In a plush leather chair, / high up a shiny skyscraper,

We Walk by Night

16481648 views1313 comments99 favs

Walking those damned dogs is a pain… a PAIN every night. If it’s not urban skunks, it’s Mormons on bikes… the bastards

Putting the Fun in Funeral

16471647 views00 comments00 favs

The funeral was a blast. One helluva time. We all had the time of our lives. Well, all of us except Dominic. It pissed me off that Dominic didn’t have fun. After all, he was the center of attention. The whole day was about him, and we spared no expense

Rev. Jasper Pickery and Three Manifestations of the Devil

16471647 views00 comments00 favs

I shall simply give you an account of the Devil's own attempts to thwart my godly work and the three forms in which he came unto me.

September Morning

16471647 views22 comments33 favs

Helen’s mind is not on business. It’s on a pinpoint, a potential, a something so microscopic it’s more a nothing. In her center, it hums.

Among Wild Things

16461646 views2020 comments1616 favs

It's not me I'm worried about, he said.

Novel Excerpt - Full Chapter of Jimmy!

16461646 views22 comments11 fav

Jimmy Gollihue awoke to the howling of a bloodhound ...

Imitation of Life

16461646 views77 comments77 favs

The watermelon slices were painted wood, because they held their shape better in the heat. The photo was done night-for-day with bright spotlights to make for sharper outlines than natural light could provide. In actuality, it is all shadows.

Raw Salt

16461646 views2020 comments1616 favs

It was Gatlinburg in mid July

Allergic Reactions #1: Sun

16461646 views1313 comments88 favs

Well I too woke up and felt bitterly alive once more;outside there was this shining fish scale attack sunliterally smashing itself against the window like a crazed yet determined yellowbird of paradise but it just couldn't smack through the little rows of…

The Vorpal Blade

16451645 views77 comments55 favs

Pow! I shoot him through his jelly donut.