by A. Pseudonym
To the prostitutes on Boracay, a paean
Hair like the midnight ocean there
and drunker than what we saw before
you three falling on our sand smiling and serve
requests and invitations. I think
you may be too wasted for your tricks
and money hasn't come up
so your kisses taste authentic
I leave off my shishah, smoke idling
in the bowl, and attend to you, you
sit on my lap, but nothing hard happens
for which I am grateful, because I
am better than this, but also kind
I doubly improve upon your postures
of romance so beautifully marketed
And you better than the others with
their colonial maamsir subservience
an attitude more equal to my station
which I did not choose but do occupy
more fully on islands than elsewhere
here under torchlight and flickering dark
and that is not my fault, it is theirs
your compatriots all stockier than thou
you are lithe and respectable
Having chosen among the mangos
what seems life to you, your shortskirt
thigh and painted mouth are yours from God
and that is not your fault, and my
reservations here are not my fault
so eatdrinkbemerry both of us on your beach
it is after midnight now, and no one
will take advantage of anyone
not if I have anything
to do with it
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223 words
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The author has not attached a note to this story.
You must be talking about the Philippines in this poem. Man, spot on!
I assume who have been to the Philippines.
Indeed, though just for vacation. We went to Boracay one summer while I was living in South Korea.
You were there with the Peace Corps?