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Another Crumb of Freedom

805805 views44 comments44 favs

I think I know these pigeons They were once beggars From another life Once I myself was stuck like them I was never Without the thought of food Or sex, or sipping soda pop Off the sidewalk And flying meant next to nothing But then

The Mother Kidnappers

805805 views22 comments00 favs

We kidnap mothers of all sorts: old mothers, single mothers, young mothers (rarely), but we never do it for ransom. As a society we are adamantly opposed to the use of violence. Our mission is to remove mothers from environments they are not appreciated in, whether by their…

It Can Hold Us All

805805 views11 comment00 favs

Look out for rotten ice. If you fall in, pull yourself out like a seal. Take off all your clothes and get to shelter.

One Brief Moment

804804 views00 comments00 favs

I have sat aside and entertained the coveted feelings of what was not in my hands. Only briefly, a moment shared of hidden secrets and joy. But of and between us, I cannot say that this moment is a considerable spur-still I desire…

The lady makes a phone call.

804804 views00 comments11 fav

Of course it’s because she’s been drinking. Will she regret this? I don’t understand it but maybe it is something she has thought about for some time.


804804 views33 comments11 fav

1 is another.

On A Carport in Bethlehem

804804 views66 comments55 favs

I can hear soft rain

Sure Thing

804804 views1212 comments77 favs

If you ask me I'm thinking I'm just blowing off some steam, some hot air that doesn't add up to the old cliche of a hill of beans. A hill of fucking beans.

Get More Protein From Your Music

804804 views00 comments11 fav

“Kids,” I say, commiserating with my partner Bink. “You can’t live with ‘em, but you can live without ‘em.”

77 Words About Prowling At Whole Foods

804804 views33 comments00 favs

I prowl. You prowl. We all prowl.

My Ten Chapter Memoir

804804 views00 comments00 favs

I am always impressed with your intelligence. I love watches. I'm not interested in time. I am well read so talking to myself can be fun.

Jack and Jane

804804 views00 comments00 favs

I wonder if the Pleiadians are out there. Jack, what are you talking about? said Jane. The Pleiadians. I said I wondered if they were out there. You did go to special school, didn't you? No, said Jack, I didn't. I don't know why you always tell people that. …


804804 views00 comments00 favs

Dog winged the monkey's gerdonderplonk just past ceremony. Winkle-wizzened water garglers awoke wanderjanked while apple-gated confederates slept on. Rusty pipe smack-down cancelled water lily gumbo's two o'clock and Patsy sang Crazy for the millionth time.…

Misanthropy in an Age of Propaganda

804804 views66 comments33 favs

We have become// the sum of our appetites,/ the growth curve of our dominion.

Reciting Verse on the Toilet

803803 views11 comment11 fav

He is the kind of boy that is so handsome / you already expect there is something wrong with him

The Fourth Prague Defenestration: 6

803803 views11 comment11 fav

My grandfather rode with the Czar’s army. He was abducted from a village in Austria, trained to pillage and drink, plunder and rape, and ride the best horses that could be had. They were given the best vodka and the sharpest swords. They were all just b

Jacob Ellis

803803 views22 comments22 favs

My name is Jacob Ellis. I was thinking about school and all those years and years and how they go eventually away but always remain somewhere in the mind as if imprinted on an akashic record. I was dizzy there, dizzy with dread and always on the verge of falling.…

Tinkler Man

803803 views44 comments44 favs

As the light changed and exhaustion set in, Suzy and Molly batted back and forth one more knock knock joke to avoid going home.

It Was the Heart of the Sixties

803803 views55 comments11 fav

I remember Freddie K bringing these fat Thai joints back with him from Viet Nam, and just one of those things would get us all so stoned at parties in Jolene’s upstairs apartment that we felt as if we could float down the long flight of stairs like we w

Left for Dead

803803 views00 comments00 favs

Bobby slowly raised his head above the emerald green stalks of rice and looked up and down the paddy for any sign of the men who had been crossing it with him, when the shell exploded. Movement out of the corner of his eye sent him face down in the muck a

In the Carnage of Lament

803803 views1919 comments99 favs


Trope City

803803 views22 comments11 fav

If the pen travels over a sheet of paper, it is not long before a metaphor appears. A fast, beautiful metaphor like friendship, or deformity. Think of the pen as a penis and the ink as semen. I just sit and laugh. Time impregnates an opportunity and a lon

Making Waves in Sculptural Math

803803 views55 comments33 favs

It was a summer full of rage and discontent. The air had a new taste to it, reminiscent of the tang of battery acid.

Voice of the Past

803803 views33 comments00 favs

You are about to experience a voice from the past. Here we go ... jet back to about 1964. I remember you with the same beard (just a different color!) and slightly longer hair. I remember drinking lots of beer and wine in your basement with Shel

Opposites Attract

803803 views00 comments00 favs

It was the same table they met and fell in love.

A Special Assignment

803803 views22 comments11 fav

In the graph of life or death, two axes will inevitably meet. Will it be as jarring as two sharp and well-hewn axes colliding?

The Monday Wednesday Friday War

803803 views77 comments33 favs

Ginny, the mother, was a lark in every respect of the word. Born and raised in central California farm country, to a family of lower middle class means, educated in public schools in whose bathroom stalls she was deflowered as unceremoniously as a pig ta

Five Million Yen: Chapter 41

803803 views00 comments00 favs

Gabe took the huge spoon and loaded it with half of his mousse. He nibbled a bite off the spoon. A big smile, amplified by Gabe’s large head, filled his face and brightened the whole room.


803803 views77 comments55 favs

Nobody buying...

Europa Sonnets (A work in progress 1-4)

803803 views22 comments11 fav

1. So this is how the Western world ends, with a shrug:Great lanes extinguished of the lamps that yearned Once for tomorrows turnstiled as agog We watch you, Paris, long rejected, burned- If without flame from exiled …